He came in eating acorns this morning and started bumping around 4 does and 1 small buck. He gave me a perfect 24 yard broad side shot. Heart shot him and he went 30 yards and pilled up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Love it Chris! Freak nasty buck! Congrats. Shane, that is a nice buck Great opening morning for me. Saw a doe with a buck fawn. Back out now looking for some venison
Had to let him walk. We don't shoot any bucks we think are under 5 and he was 3.5 at the most. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Awesome man, I wish more folks would let them grow around my parts. He'll be stud in 2 years! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
So I have kind bad news. I didn't know how to begin to score this buck and I've taken him to the taxidermist already so his velvet wouldn't rot. The taxidermist was awesome and said he could have him ready for the Dixie deer classic, so I'm hoping I can get him score by then. I'll keep y'all up-to-date. I'll enter him now without a score and message fitz. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I had a similar situation last year and was able to enter my score later when I had access to his rack again.
Almost had another buck for us tonight. Just too much brush 30 yards away. Sent from my SM-G930R6 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Well my plan was to hunt this morning since I took off work. But I got a phone call that no body wants to hear my grandfather passed away on Monday. So hopefully I can get out Sunday morning
Sorry to hear that heartstopper. The deer will be here when you get back. You and your family will be in my families thoughts and prayers.
Sorry to hear of your loss heartstopper. Lost my mom unexpectedly in June. It is important to be there for your family right now. Take care
Update on the crazy buck. It's made a name for itself as the Medusa buck. A local sportsman online article and magazine company did a story in it. The writer did a great job on the write up. http://www.northcarolinasportsman.com/details.php?id=14477 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Almost forgot. Still haven't found someone that knows how to score it. Hoping somebody will know! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk