Here's a few pics of the sheds Johnny and I found in Illinois. Not all 6 I found are in these pics and there's one that Johnny found too. Sorry it took a bit to share. This is the nub side I found from Corky after we burned the CRP. The farmer found this one after the CRP burn. Thought it was kinda cool.
Very cool! I'm hoping to be able to get out again this weekend. Last time before turkey season on a couple of properties. Might shift over to some public parks and see what I can find. Wonder if security would come after me if I rummage through the grove of threes on company property? I know there's a small herd in there...
Very cool pictures Dan. I was able to find another small shed yesterday. It looks like this might be it for me. For is really picking up and turkey season is almost here. Hopefully I will be able to walk across one when turkey hunting. I will posy pictures of the shed tomorrow. Totals - 6 sheds and 1 dead head
Hey guys, I've been in KS the past week...but I think I got all the scores updated let me know if I missed anything!
Not that it matters too much, but I found one more while out in Wyoming with Dusto. Brings my total to 11.
Congrats Dan on all the sheds!! I love the burned one its really unique looking. Peak good job buddy at least you didn't get skunked. Its been a good to be on this team we did real good in my opinion. I hope we meet up again on another team next season.
Myself and Cole (Frog_slayer) got out over the weekend in Jo Davies County, IL but couldnt manage any sheds. Cole found 3 arrows of which 2 were within 30 yards of a deer stand. The 3rd arrow was found about 100 yards away by a bones of a deer. Thanks Kev!!!
Sorry guys I been working so much have not got to looking much. But I found two today in a block of woods near work place. Hope to get to go look this weekend so I hope this contest allows us to add them on may 1.
Well I found 48 shed over the weekend . I ended up getting to go late so many were chewed and dried from the sun but as I read they should still count. I also found the smallest one I ever found. Got some lay shots but left my camera in the truck the first day and then the second afternoon, sorry. Also found a few other things, got a picture. I will add lay pics later I just walked in and have to unpack.
48 is quite a haul for a weekend !!! Congrats !!! You differently earned it since you are also dealing with snakes. You can keep those things !! Tim
The snakes aint to bad just got to keep your eyes open. If I would of had a few more days we might of moved closer to the lead, I found 20 the first day and the rest the next day. Out of 23 feeders I only check around 6 of them. Just did not have the time. I talked to my friend he said I needed to come a couple weeks earlier next year. So I hope everyone had a great shed season and hope to join yall next year.