Razortec checking in. My name is Bart ,I will be hunting in TN and PA. This is my second year bow hunting hoping for a good season this year.
Welcome, Bart! How did you do last season? This is where we are guys ..... Team 6- mdillon1 Preacher Tony ohiohunter NYMark Rickyp chart33 jnida goldenrectangle cvbot snake_03 Razortec JGD 4 more to check in
I passed on a smaller eight opted to take a few old does out... I have some trail cam pics of a monster hoping to draw him to the stand with imperial whitetail extreme and bow stand.
Chuck Bot checking in. I will be hunting the MN and SD prairies. This will be my 7th year bow hunting. I go to school at SDSU in Brookings for manufacturing engineering and will hopefully graduate this spring. I will be hunting public and private land in SD and MN. I have seen a few nice bucks on public land in SD but haven't been able to do much scouting in MN. Goodluck to everyone, let's have some fun this year.
To the new guys on this team, you should feel very fortunate to have one of the most experienced hunters and smack talkers on the site, Mr PT. Just don't expect him to kill a doe Good luck guys!
OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! et tu', Fred? Then fall Preacher ...... NOT! I still expect texts from you, Bro!!! Welcome Chuck!!! How was your season last year? Team 6- mdillon1 Preacher Tony ohiohunter NYMark Rickyp chart33 jnida goldenrectangle cvbot snake_03 Razortec JGD 3 more left...
You guys have a heavy burden to share considering this total score was done with just 10 guys. 2010 Team 6- Total- 1153 4/8"" Buckmaster- 50 SouthernMDArcher- 50 Iamyourhuckleberry- 50 Preacher Tony- 50 Isaiah- 50 Scott/IL- 50 iamyourhuckleberry- 150 7/8" FEB- 115 1/8" Preacher Tony- 57 5/8" SouthernMDArcher- 115 2/8" Reese- 131 7/8" Reese- 50 FEB- 50 kshunter- 50 drenman- 132 6/8" I am sure with Tony leading you guys, you should be able to uphold the Team 6 tradition. GL Dave
Well been wanting to try and post video's so i'll give it a try. Top two on my ny hit list. [video=vimeo;48217289]https://vimeo.com/48217289[/video] [video=vimeo;48218512]https://vimeo.com/48218512[/video] [video=vimeo;48217290]https://vimeo.com/48217290[/video]
BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Me Likee!!! lol OverKill DirtNap "Kindofabigdeal" X The Reapers Rack Reapers Bango Cha-Ching Chest Thumpers Down and Out In and Out Team Shred Archarchers Team Bloodtrail "We believe in happy endings Blood Bath X Rack Stackers Stick em boys Rack Rattle N Thwack All members of Team 6, put an X next to your top 2 choices and we will take the one with the highest vote!