Haha. Thanks. I got out yesterday evening, but didn't see a single deer. I didn't get to go today. Had to run a few errands and picked up my new dog. Let's just say she is gonna be a handful to try and train to shed hunt. She is a four year old female yellow lab that hardly ever got let out of her pen, so she is a little nuts. Anyways, I'll be heading back out to hunt all day tomorrow before I have to work 8 straight 12 hour days starting on Thursday. Hopefully I can put something down tomorrow.
Well only have had one cam out for the past few weeks. This is the biggest buck i got lately. Not to sure whats up with him huge body little rack. How old do you guys think he is?[video=vimeo;51108033]https://vimeo.com/51108033[/video]
Dang, that's a fat ole'boy. Maybe that's just what he is... just a 3 or 4 year old that is bigger than normal. I like for you to shoot him and see how old he is and how much he weighs! :D
Hey guys .... spent yesterday watching my Father-in-law slip away into eternity in the CCU.... it was very difficult for all ... heading down to Fillmore NY to meet with the Funeral Director today and make all the arrangements ... keep my family in prayer if you would...
Tony, If I had seen this yesterday I wouldn't have sent you that text this morning (10/12/12). Sorry to hear about your loss, I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Jerry, don't worry about it ... I was going to text you back as soon as I could but I forgot to. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts .... today starts the 3 day, 2 wakes per day and a funeral on the 3rd day process. Their Pastor fell ill and is in the hospital the day after we met with him, so they are trying to find someone to preach the funeral. I was asked, but there is no way I will be able to bring myself to do it. Now if they still can't find anyone by tomorrow, I will pull up my bootstraps and do it .. I sure hope they find someone... I was going to go out this morning for a few hours as it is in the 20s and just a perfect morning to be out there ... I have a S wind that is great for my new set, but I just can't bring myself to go out yet. The wife told me to go, but I am glad that I was here this morning as she had a little melt down. So I need you all to do me a favor ... put some points on the board for our team ... KILL ... that is all.
Good luck making it through all of that Tony. That would be a hard position to be in. I hope you can find someone to stand in for the Preacher. I'm glad ours is only one day. Visitation from 11-2 and memorial service directly after. Grandma is holding up pretty well. Only a couple minor breakdowns. Today will be the real test tho. Still sending prayers your way for the whole family. God bless
Just heard word that a 17 pointer was killed right next to where I hunt. If this is true then it is most likely Moose. Last pictures we had of him it appeared he had at least 17 scoreable points. I want to see pics to confirm it, but it sure sounds like it's him. What a bummer if it is. My brother has been trying to kill him, but hadn't seen him on the hoof. There were several daylight pics of him and we thought a good chance within the next week or two to maybe get a shot. I guess there isn't much of a chance now though.
That's too bad snake. Good for whoever got him though. I hunted yesterday and didn't see a thing. Not even a squirrel. Got turned around walking out in the dark and had to break out the GPS to find my way out. I hate wandering around in the woods after dark, it just takes so much time and effort to find your way out! :D Saw three does cross the road in front of the truck, three skunks a opossum and three turkeys too. That was it all day. Maybe I should hunt next to the road
Well the good news is that it was possibly the guys kid that got him. Knowing who the guy was, I at least know that the buck was taken legally instead of by one of the a$$hole poachers that we have problems with around the area every year. I'm not bitter at all about the news. If anything it is a learning experience because it let me know exactly where that deer was at and the sort of route that he was travelling. Hopefully it may help on future hunts.
I would love to be shooting deer right now, but i'm stuck at work. I'm on day 4 of 8 straight 12 hr days.