I don't think i could pass him up but if i do i'll spookem down perry rd. towards strykersville for ya. Got a cam set at new spot set on a scrape hopefully i can get out for a evening hunt next week and i'll pull it. Im gettin pumped tree's are changing, woods look awesome, can't wait to sit and take it all in!
I would like to post some pics of the bucks, but I don't have the cards or any pics of them. My brother has them all. If I get my hands on them I will definitely put them on here. And just to clarify, I would like to shoot either Shark or Moose, but any 130 will get an arrow put in him.
Hey fellas, Went back out today hung three more stands. Season opens Monday but I won't be out until next weekend. Saw a TON of deer sign in an area I have never hunted. It's public but just opened last year and there are lots of deer so hopefully I'll be able take advantage of that. Good luck to you that are hunting now and those starting on 10/1/12. Can anyone tell me how to put pics on here like the little ones you click on? I'm NOT a computer guy. JGD
Tony my boy.................the deer remember you from last year, let us not have a repeat)))) Like you use to tell me "just kill something" Dave
After watching the latest "Bowhunt or Die" episode, i feel like i am talking to a celebrity ... you long haired stallion you :D Do you have tapatalk? :rofl: boy, ain't that the truth! The good news is I killed her with my shotgun :D
Uhhh...stallion, yes but that hair is a pain! :D Locks of Love is getting a donation in the future. I don't have tapatalk. Do I need that to put the small pics on here? I have a couple pics of a deer I hope to kill but would like to do the small pics if possible.
Well here it is, my first deer of the season. Came it a 7:00am on thursday morning with a doe. Wanted to shoot the doe but he gave me a shot first. Double lunged him. He didnt make it 60 yards. Not my biggest deer but its meat in the freezer and points for the team. enjoy.
Way to go, Ricky! If you down a doe, you will put up more points than 90% of the other players in the contest and you'll have a freezer full of meat
can you post it on the scorecard thread? That will move us up quite a bit! vWe will be tied for 10th ... not bad with alot of us not even hunting yet
Good Job Rick, way to put the pressure on Tony. PT your team is scoring points, lead them to second place behind Team #21))) Go Go Team #6 Dave
Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya, Tomorrow, your only a dayyyyyy awayyyyyyyy :D I have a Doe and fawn patterned in thw field behind my house ...lol