I told you dude, I've already moved all the stands I'm allowing you to hunt in kansas out by the highway! And we'll discuss the 10 days of hunting, I might cut your time in the tree short if the rut is really getting into gear by then. Did I mention I talked to a couple of the moderators on here and they've instituted a growers clause into the contest this year. Since you'll be shooting a deer that I've been scouting, monitoring, feeding, and setting up stands for since May, half of the bucks gross score will be added to the team 31 scorecard. I don't make the rules, but its good practice to submit to authority. But seriously friend, good luck on your sit tomorrow evening. I hope one of those big woods bucks comes by your stand! And I'm excited for your trip in November! I'll be sure to save you at least a 150" class to get a crack at.
Will sorry to hear about your mulie that truly sucks as he should never have been able to go that far. A super deer he truly is. Tony thanks for keeping track of past 6's score I'm pretty certain it will be right up there with the top teams at the end of this season. Good luck Boys
Tony I use Primos Truth cam 3.5 and have no complaints what so ever. They work great day and night. Great battery life, video, multi shot, etc. I bought mine for less than $100 and plan on getting a couple more.
You got it, Colby .... we will win that is what I am talking about... less than $100 ... you are the second one to recommend them... Already did, Bro .. check out the sig
Well, I'm heading back into the woods in the morning. My little brother and I are going and hoping that he's gonna get a shot at his target deer. Had a daylight picture of "moose" last week. He has 17 scorable points and should gross around 175ish I believe. We have been trying really hard to figure out exactly what this giant is doing. It would be great to see him laying on the ground. If I can get some trail cam pics of him I will post them for you guys.
Well, my long vacation is fixing to start. I have 13 days off in a row to hunt and get married. Notice how I listed hunt first. haha. I have a feeling that hunting is going to take a back burner to me getting married. Especially with the size of the crowd that is supposed to be there. I have to help get everything ready since the reception is at the future in-laws house. We are expecting approximately 750 people. That is about 700 more than what I was wanting, but oh well, it will be an event to remember.
Listen guys, please make sure you all know the rules to the contest ... I believe we have a real strong team here and I would hate to know we lost because a deer wasn't entered properly.... Rules for entry: 1. All deer entered into this contest must be harvested legally within the laws and regulations of the state or province in which it was harvested. This contest is only for fun so please, don't break the law. 2. All deer entered into this contest must be harvested with archery equipment only. After all, this is Bowhunting.com. This includes compound bows, traditional equipment, or crossbows. This also means you can't shoot a deer with a gun and enter it into this contest. 3. All entries must be accompanied by a minimum of TWO (2) photos of the hunter with the deer and your archery equipment in the picture. If you can manage to take one picture, you can also manage to move 4 feet to the side and take another one. It's not that hard. There will be NO exceptions to this rule. Two photos with hunter, deer, and bow in photo or it won't count. If you submit a deer without two photos, it will not count. Consider this your warning. This goes for both does as well as bucks. 3a. If you harvest the deer on film and can provide footage of you shooting the animal along with post-recovery footage including hunting, animal, and bow, that will suffice in place of two photos. Footage must be posted online for everyone to see. 4. Along with your photo (or video) you must post the date and time in which the deer was shot.
Heading to check camera in Illinois. Didn't hunt this morning because of wind direction. Will post pics if I have anything of interest.
Well nothing much on camera. Does and a small buck. Really thought there would be something good but that wasn't the case. Moved the camera to a faint trail in the woods. Maybe catch a good buck during daylight in there.
Sat last night. Got busted by a doe. She would have been smoked if it were October 1. It was good to see a deer though. I should get back up to the cabin next week.
Snake, let's see some pics of those 2 monsters you and your bother are chasing... Chris ...3.More.Sleeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :D