I sat this morning for a few hours at the cabin in NH, but it was really quiet except for coyotes howling up a storm and some first light gobbles from the resident turkeys. It was great to get out though and it's good to get the "first morning hunt of the year and walk to the stand in the dark jitters" out of my system. Should get to hunt a few times next week but my fiancé and I are moving so there are no guarantees.
Tomorrow morning should put at least a doe on the ground! Can't wait I'm hoping to put us on the board so we can get rolling!
Awesome snake! Finally some points on the board. A buddy and I hung two stands today and it was a total beating. Walked over a mile off the road (public land) and got to the tree I wanted to use and there was a stand in it! Looked like it was set up yesterday. It took me almost three hours to find the next two trees to use and considerable work to hang them. It was 100 degrees and miserable. Went to our second area and pulled a camera that has been out for about 6 weeks. There was a 90 inch buck and half a dozen does in all that time. The drought seems to have caused the deer to move as there was very little sign. The oaks have no acorns on them and there are no crops in the area. We left without setting any stands there. Left the house at 4:30 am and got home at 9:30 pm. It's about 130 miles to the areas. I'm whipped.
Congrats snake. I see you're already jumping right in on helping to carry Tony. Good job. He's old and needs all the help he can get :P
Well I struck out this morning only saw a few does all out of range. Headed to the back side of the property for an evening sit right now
Ok. Sorry about the delay in pics and story, but I've been extremely busy. Been working on wedding stuff, so I just posted my pics to the scorecard. So I went to the cabin Friday during the middle of the day. My little brother and I decided to set up in a pretty big section of mature forest that is filled with white oaks. The acorns are just starting to drop, so I figured if I could find a couple decent sized trees they should probably be dropping first and being in the middle of the woods hopefully the deer would hit it during daylight hours. Well I hadn't seen a deer all afternoon and I'm watching squirrel about 5 yards away and I hear something on a steady walk right behind me. I turn to see some brown legs so I stood up and grabbed my bow, not knowing if it was a buck or doe. I'm waiting for it to clear some trees and when it comes out I see it's a spike, but I heard more deer coming. A couple does come up behind but I had no shot so I had to wait for them to come around and start feeding out in front of me. The does come up at about fifteen yards from behind a couple big trees, and by this time my bow is drawn. I let the arrow fly and immediately knew I smoked her. Watched her run off and heard her crash. She went maybe 60 yards or so. Little brother didn't see anything, but we still had a good time. My other brother, dad, and another good buddy were also there, so we all had a great time. Now it's time to put a buck on the ground.
Here's a little taste for you guys that haven't got to go yet. It felt awesome to watch that arrow go through her!