Woo hoo, Mike!!! :D I wondered what state you and JZ were hunting in that the season was already open in... (Saw him mention he was already hunting on Facebook...)
Thanks gents. Greg- Justin was filming Todd up at his property in central Wisconsin. And up until about 4 days ago I wasn't even gonna hunt WI this year.
You KNOW you're confident when you only take one arra with you!!! :D Awesome pic, Mike... great-looking nanny!
Atta boy Duke...we are on the board! Hopefully the weather around here will cool off a bit and get some rain....
I'm still waitin' boys until it cools off a bit. It is HOT here! We have a front moving in bringing some rain, so maybe when the rain let's up a bit I'll go....or maybe before it rains?
Tomorrow's opening day for MO, but I won't be able to make it out until Thursday night... maybe I'll get lucky and get to add 50 points to our total.
Thursday is the start of our early antlerless season. It last 4 days and my only goal is get my 5 yr old daughter in the woods as much as possible. But you can bet if a doe wanders too close, I'll be adding 50 points to our team's total. :D
Just letting you all know I am still alive. Don't get my DSL hooked up till the 22nd so might not hear from me till then. Matt, Awesome King " WOW " Greg, Great Speed Goat. Duke, is that a mature Doe? LOL, way to put us on the board buddy.
Good to hear you made it down there safe, John. Keep me updated how things are going down there. The king has a pretty good story to go with it...give me a call sometime soon.
hey guys, just thought id give you my number, So you can let me know if you got anything. I saw some other teams exchanging numbers thought it would be a good idea...maybe you all have each others numbers but i know you dont have mine so here it is 218-686-5296
First whitetail sit of the year... totally went in blind in a public area and gave it a shot. No deer but it felt good to be back in the woods.
My first sit this morning opener. Had 2 doe with 1 fawn near me. Was too busy filming to pick up the bow and then I realized I hit power on the camera and not record. lol Rookie!!!!! Should of just shot her instead of making it complicated. This camera thing is no joke. I don't know what system everyone uses but what a buttache to carry and set up all this stuff plus your hunting equipment.
This evening had a doe and a fawn at 12 yards this time I got the footage. Now will wait for the bucks to show! Overall very happy with opening day and 5 deer in bow range. More than I saw half of season last year. lol
Passed on another doe with a fawn tonight. I am loving this new 40 acre piece I picked up. Seen more deer in the opening week than half the season last year.
Passed on a lot of does this past weekend, just cant get my mind over the fact if you shoot a doe, your not eligible for a buck? Is that correct? Had a yearling doe walk right underneath me and look up at me and didn't see me at all, that was probably my most favorite and coolest experience this weekend, i really want some sort of buck, this year, but i didn't see one this time, maybe next time :D
Depends on what area your in. Bonus tags are good for a doe and you still have your buck license. Not sure what area your in but might be worth checking. What area you hunting?