I would normally go check my trail cam cards today, but my good buddy Matt / PA is coming to spend a day or two with me next week, and he wanted to go check the cards with me... so I told him I WOULDN'T check them today so there'd be more for us to look at come this Wednesday... I'll let you know if anything else beside the one I posted on page 1 shows up.
Yes I know the feeling there MN. Out shooting everynight dying to check the trail cams again. Now I need to go through all my equipment and organize.
Tribal, im pretty much all set for the season, just gotta wait till the camo comes in the mail, and ill be set to go. I already have my pack all set for the first morning, besides the coffee thermos, but everything else.
Any day is great for a mature 4.5. Problem is I am only seeing 1.5 maybe a 2.5 but I ate a buck tag last year because of passing 2.5 year old deer. My land is between 2 chunks of public land so I may have to abort the whole management thing until I get better land to hunt.
Yeah, I passed a slew of 2.5 year olds too last year... Hopefully, I'll have another crack at one I gave a pass to this year and be rewarded.... But i do that every year and still don't see too many 3.5s... that's about the time they all go underground around here. That's why I'm as proud of a 3.5 as many would be of a 4.5 +... you may only get one crack all season at a 3.5, and that's with putting in over 100 stand sits in a season.
I had a nice 2.5 year old 8 pointer not huge but as wide as his ears had him on camera dozens of times throughout the season from velvet to late season so I figured he would be my target this year. Not 1 pic of him where all the others were taken.
Checkin' the trail cams tomorrow for the first time in over a week and a half.... should be able to really see their final growth and maybe even a few out of the velvet by now.
Moved my camera to a small neighboring property today right after I was granted permission to bowhunt it. Only 40 acres but it has a funnel of woods between soybean fields to the north and south of it. Also along the back side is swamp/cattails/long grass. My huge doe I shot last year came from these woods. Again it's small but its 40 more acres I have to hunt.
I do actually making notes to get the over all picture of it. Small woods, alot of fields but the deer have everything they need. My second year hunting it, and really it does not hold a high number of deer but there are deer. Yellow number is the acerage the dots are sightings and I put alot of time in for the few sightings but I did add the 40 acres to the right. Everything in red I can hunt. There is a nice trail right in the center of the woods in the 40 acres from the NW to the SE.