Wow Vito and Bowtech those are awesome! Bowtech how does that one look at about the size we need? I honestly don't know which I prefer, if the antler one loses the wood detail in the back we might go with the last one. But I can take either. Very nice guys
Team 6 I did some adjustments and came up with this, I'm still messing with it. Just to give you an idea this is the size it will be....
I'm always in the minority on theses type of things so just insert me in the majority. They all look good to me.
I will vote for Vito's because of the Indian I think it fits the theme. They are both awesome and we are fortunate to have 2 cool avatars. We could even use both. Vito can you make me one with my name "Tribal" at the bottom. Thanks bud!
I like your original font Matt I will use this one until or if you get time to make a new one. Team 6 FTW!!!!
This guy was hanging around my area for a month last year. I have many photos of him and had him 40 yards from one of my stands. He was in cattails I just didn't have a shot. I called and called but a real doe on the other side of him took him away. Weird dropped main beam I wonder what caused this.
Tribal, I've got a buck like that around my area that'll be a solid 4 1/2 year old this year... He really wouldn't score that well, but I'd drop the string on him in a SECOND if he came near, as I've had an encounter with him every year since he's been a year and a half old... Mine's beams are like that, but his tines are WAY short.... so much so that from a distance all you can see is beams... I've nicknamed him "main-beam buck"...
Nice buck Tribal...he's a shooter. I'm going to make a couple more avatars and be done with it. Does everyone want to use the same one? Or just whatever you like? I really don't care....I just want to put a meat missile in a monster!
That is certainly a very unique buck.. and look at him head into that swamp.. they annoy me when they do that. Good luck with him Tribal.
I would assume we should all use the same one. Whatever you guys pick is fine with me. Just let me know if it is one of my designs so I can't get one to everyone with their name on it.
Avatar Hey Vito sign me up. I don't have much time to spend on making up a new one. I'll just copy yours and stick my name it or just send it to me. Later dude.
Just wanted to say a big, public "Thank you" to Vito for the sweet avatar.... appreciate the time both you and Bowtech Hunting put in to give us some awesome choices. Thanks guys!