Congrats again on the buck, Mike.... Now BOTH of them! :D So you were in your stand an hour and twenty minutes before first light, huh?
Yup.. I'm a firm believer in getting in early.. I like to be in at least 1 hour before shooting light.. sometimes I'm a little earlier.. sometimes I'm a bit later. And when you're filming.. gotta be at least that 1 hour so the cameraman can set up. Thanks everyone.
Nice Greg, new photos of that buck with the kicker on his g2. He made the gun season and is still on that trail 20 yards from my blind. He's a night owl though no daylight pictures but a few at dawn about shooting time. There's hope. Try again on Thanksgiving morning.
Duke, did you ever enter yours in the scoring thread? Not that it would matter much for the overall win...
No.. I have not. I'm incredibly lazy when it ever comes to posting pics on the site. Simply cause it requires me to think. I'll have him up tonight fo sho.. although I have been telling myself that for about 5 nights now.
Don't have any room to talk there... what was it? A month between my kill and finally getting around to putting a tape on him? LOL. Been hunting hard still, though... and every spare minute has been devoted to work, family or hunting and that didn't leave much time for anything else.
How did that work out? :D BTW, I'm not sure if its an official rule or not, but I believe you can add another 50 points for the stache. If thats not a rule, it should be.
Yeah, man... if you'd hurry up and get him on the scoreboard, we'd be in, like... seventh place or something.
I just scored a small piece of land in between subdivisions for this late season. I don't know all the details yet and I will most likely be limited to shooting does, but who knows what it might lead to in the future. So far this is the closest piece of land I have permission to hunt. Door to woods is about a 20 minute drive. Always fun to hunt a new spot even if it is small. I have to talk to the owner tonight to get all the details.
You're right, Vito... new spots always bring the excitement of potential with them! If nothing else, it's a refreshing change of scenery. Good luck!
Sorry for not being around much this season guys, but I have had some real computer issues the last few months. To top it off I had some spark knock myself and had to get a stint, but am back on my feet and will be back in the woods again this weekend. Matt, don't know if you got word or not yet but Rusty had to give into the cancer this past weekend. Heaven knows the River and many of us has lost a great friend, hopefully the lord has a special place for one of the few that gave back as much as he received. You all take care of yourselves this Holiday Season and have a Marry Christmas.
Hey John, I just saw this. Yeah I heard about Rusty passing. Sad day for sure. I'll give you a call one of these days and we can catch up. Hope everything is good in Kansas.
Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I wish I could've hunted more this year. I had some good leads on some nice bucks, but the economy got the best of me and depleted my funds and no job. So, I haven't been able to have a single sit since November 7th. But, there is this up and coming season to look forward to. I wish all of you all the best in 2010 and good luck!
Sorry team, I was a flop this year. Having lost our property during the 1st week of Nov I havn't been out since. Hope to inprove upon that next year.
I'm sure you will, Rick... and then I'm equally as sure you probably won't be on my team (simple odds) next year and it won't do me any good anyway... :D :D :D Great having you and ALL you guys as teammates regardless of how everyone fared... Stay safe over the off season!!