Congrats on the doe Greg! I haven't been hunting but 4 or 5 times this season so far gents.. hope I'll start to get out more VERY soon. But with this cold finally ending.. works been nuts. Hope you guys are seeing some bone soon.
Congrats again, Greg! I finally got out for the first time today. A lot of deer moving before light. Only deer I saw within bow range after light were young bucks. Felt good to be out though.
Nice Greg congrats, I think I will take the next doe that walks by instead of watching them. Way to go!!
Had a cold front blow in today, so I skipped karate and made my way back to the same bedding area I sat in on opening night... but moved down and hung another stand close to where the 10-pointer exited out to the cut corn field. I literally had goosebumps all night because it just felt SO right with the on-again, off-again drizzle and cool, mosit air... but notta. Zilch. Nothing came out of the bedding area, and when I came out into the field, nothing was out there either. Of course, as soon as I pull onto the highway from the farm, my headlights pick up a big buck crossing the road heading onto the farm I just left. Headed back out tomorrow night and taking my Dad with me.
No dice last night; had a buck in front of me at 6 feet broadside looking the other way, but he was a bit small... since he'd only been born a few months ago. :p Was planning on getting back out tonight but it's raining cats and dogs and is projected to continue all day long... might as well get some writing done for Field & Stream since my editor approved the piece I need to finish up last week.... and get caught up on my day job as well.
Heading out tommorow for the first time in a while, hopefully ill be able to connect on a deer tommorow, If its a big doe or a buck its down ill be happy with either, gonna lt the little ones walk. The weather has been ABSOLUTLY perfect nice and cool little drizzels here and there, everyone at school is whining, im just smiling Its going to be a fun weekend, i wish i had someone to hunt with tho since chris (shrek the bowhunter) is done already.
Only a small doe tonight, that didn't offer a shot. Since snow is projected maybe tomorrow will be better!
4 Deer, 2 Turkey, and a covey of Quail ! I did find one of the biggest tracks I ever seen, but that dont count for nothing. Yet. The Daughter in law shot a small 8 ( big beams short tines) in MD last night, recoverd it this morning. Ha Ha I guess soon as she seen it she said she needed new glasses. Alot of ground shrinkage going on Lucy!
Well I'm back from hunting since Thursday evening. Could have take shots at 3 spikes and a 4pt. I was at full draw on what I thought was a doe and was just to release the arrow when I saw what was about 3" spikes.
I was out all day ... had an idiot walk in on me 20 minutes after shooting light looking for a tree to hang up in. Went to a new property my outfitting buddy told me about on the phone in the middle of the day and found a giant set of fresh tracks in the mud going out of a bean field. Just inside the woodline was a rub on a tree bigger than my thigh... I was pretty fired up, but no dice. Heading back out in an hour and a half trying to put my dad on some does.
Hey guys! Well I went out all day Sat and today (Sun)...nothing on Saturday. But on Sunday morning ( I should've been at church) I had a nice slickhead at 40 yards in some brush, and another slickhead and button directly underneath me I could have smoked her 4 times! I was going to take out the doe, but...its just not time yet. I'll keep you posted! Later
Last evening I had 2 different packs of yotes fighting over territory I think, there were several calls and wild sounds early about 1.5 hours before dark. They kept it up for awhile too. Not a single deer sighting, imagine that. Won't be out until Camp Ripley this Thurs and Friday so hopefully I will have some luck while I try to make my own luck. Snowing out HUGE flakes at the moment with 2 inches probably on the ground. I still can't believe how early it is for that. Good luck all.
well, im back from wisconsin, and i did a little hunting with my relatives and man was it fun. Completly different hunting than what mi used to. The terrain was rocky and lots of trees, with some creeks here and there. My great uncle and i were set up on a big oak over looking a creek where deer have been crossing to get to a bean field, we saw a total of 16 does. I didnt shoot but he brought his bow along and harvested a nice doe, anyways it was a great trip, even with no bucks. I look forward to hunting there again some time.
Heading out tomorrow for a sucky district sales meeting in Kansas City on Wed., Thurs., and Friday. Only good thing is I'll be heading to Mike Hunsucker's place as soon as they cut us loose Friday evening and I'll be hunting with him all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning if need be... he's gonna be filming me, so hopefully I can score a nice one for our team and possibly lay down some nice vid for Heartland Bowhunter TV at the same time! Talk to ya guys in about a week!
Good luck at Hunsucker's place, Greg. Sounds like it will be a good time either way. I shot this small doe yesterday evening. Not much to tell...she came in by herself and eventually offered a good shot at 27 yards. I caught the heart and she piled up after a 40 yard dash.
Sweet, Matt!! 50 more points!! I'm thinking it's gonna take just about all of us taking does looking at how it's stacking up early on... plus several good bucks to boot, obviously.
Way to go Matt, congrats on the Doe and good Shooting! Greg, best of luck hunting/filming with Hunsucker this weekend. Mnbow, I love my out of state hunts with family and friends. Sounds like you had a great time. Bowtec, you got one of them big Western Ky Bucks picked out yet? Tribal, good luck at Camp Ripley this week. Sliverflicker to RickMur.... Sliverflicker to RickMur.... Come in RickMur
Way to go Matt. I havn't had anything to shoot at. Won't be getting out again for another 10, 11 days or so. We lost our best place to a bunch of yahoos last weekend. I found a doe they shot, heard the shot he was so close to me. He didn't even look for it. Piled up right in the middle of a cut corn field. We have a few other propertys but not near as good as the one we lost. I have no dought something will fall though. Best of luck on that dream hunt Greg.