rono, I'm in zone 264, just NW of Thief River Falls. I belive hearing that you buy the 27 or whatever dollar tag, and thats good for either 1 buck or 1 doe..... does that mean tho if i shoot a doe with that tag, since i cant buy a buck tag after that, that i cannot shoot a buck?
Yup if you use your main tag meaning buck or doe on a doe your buck for the year is gone unless you party hunt. In many areas you can purchase a 15 dollar bonus tag good for a doe only. A few areas you can even purchase up to 4 bonus tags and near the suburbs of the cities there is no limit. In area 264 mnbowhunter you can purchase a $15 doe tag then use that tag on your doe and you still have a buck/doe tag for a second deer of either sex. So for $15 dollars you would be able to shoot a antlerless and still get your buck!!!!!
Yep, our Missouri license sounds a little similar: it's good for one buck and one either/or... So if you use your either/or for a doe, then you've only got one buck left. Instead of doing that, I go buy an extra antlerless-only (or a couple) so that I can save my either/or tag for a buck.
Well we can shoot as many does as we want and 2 bucks with the bow. Same for each season but we can use the bow instead of ML or shotgun so repeat that bag limit for each seaon. So in essence I can take 8 bucks and all the does I want. Thing is you have to take two does before you can take a 2nd buck in any season. That being said: I had a complete pass thru on a doe last evening. Bright red blood soaked arrow. No Blood trail at all from what we saw last night. Had a good visual on the way she ran. We looked with a spot light and decided to come back this morning at first light. I came home all the way back to De and will return this morning. Had to call out at work, not good, don't like doing that but you gotta do what you gotta do. So another 160 miles to recover a doe that I hope we find and is ok with the temps, 60 degrees right now at 4:30am. Will let you all know how it turned out later today.
Yup im gonna have to buy another 15 dollar tag then, i really want to get my doe before everything starts heating up for the rut, and get the doe out of the way. Thanks ron! Congrats rick on the doe!
All right found her 200 yrds away. It was a tough track with the first drop and I mean drop of blood 100 yards away. Just a drop here and there and none the last 60 yrds. Just a good visual marking after the shot was the cause of finding that first drop.Took me and my partner DaveH an hour and a half but we got it done. Now the not so good news, foxes got to it over night and feasted on the rear end and hind quarter. The rest of the deer was fine. Weighed 95 lbs. Shot entered other side in the pic and got liver and exited the gut on the left side. All bleeding was internal. The blood on the arrow was bright red, thought a liver hit was dark red. And the fox damage:
Now we just need five more guys to kill does to ensure we get our maximum number of points available! :D (I'm counting myself as a "given" as I take anywhere from 4 - 6 does a year, LOL.
Hey Guys, finely got someone out to hook my DSL up last week and then the computer did not want to work . I think (hope) she is good to go now. Congrats on the Doe Rick, To bad about the foxes getting to it befor you. Dont belive I have ever seen as many of them anywhere as I have in MD. But hey, I know you will poke another one soon. If any of you missed it, my youngest son (RuttNutt) took a real good buck in South East MD this weekend. Ha Ha, now he has to babysit so his wife can hunt. They have been watching 4 others bigger than the one he shot right around their house . Everyone's season will be open soon, so good luck and lets hear some stories!
Well I'll be danged... I didn't know he was your boy; that's awesome! Fine-looking buck he took, that's for sure!
Didn't realize that was one of your kids Sliver. Congrats to you too.. since you likely taught him a thing or two. Cool.
1st morning out! Finally the weather has changed and brought a cold front through that is going to push the low's down in the 40's. After high 80's and and 75 lows, I feel good that I'm going to see some action! I can't wait! Hopefully a doe down at least!