Indeed, it can. If only I would have had more patience when my shot opportunity happened. A good learning experience. That would have been my first 120+ buck. Hopefully I'll get him patterned come December and get back on him. Send pics when you can! Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
He’s my 1st archery deer to hit the 150 mark. Barely. Scored him at 150 0/8”. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He busted off his actual G3 the one that’s there is actually an abnormal tine I’d say. He also had a 2” kicker or so that was broke. He would have been knocking on 160” with those intact. I might have it rebuilt because it gave him a lot of character with it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats Dan , awesome buck. I see your still slaying the good ones. How's the all your girls? (Fam?) 200 pt club. Nicely done. Keep up the great work. Thank you again for your service. God Bless
I continue to try and get after them! Get lucky far too often! All my girls are good! Growing up too fast that’s for sure. Thanks for the support! I’m happy to serve! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats Dan!!! Heck yeah man! Up a tree all morning nothing of note to share. Up again now…fingers crossed.
Well fellas the pre-gun season finale hunt at the swamp will be this evening...last night was dead outside a spike and yearling doe....until right after dark when the swamp produced a ton of deer and a couple bucks that walked right out just five minutes late... We lose that place during gun...and hopefully will be back late season...but still got one more quick hunt out there tonight. We shall see how it goes!
Good luck! I have drill today and tomorrow! Taking my wife to Des Moines for her birthday this weekend. Nice to be tagged out! I still plan on getting out to shoot some does later this season. Need to get my buddy on a buck. Once gun seasons kick off my focus will be trying to get my kids on deer! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah I lose a little drive once gun hits as I mainly only hunt areas with massive pressure that kicks in and parcel sizes are smaller....I doubt I'm hunting Saturday (our opener) but will be in a truck patrolling for trespassers's become my gun opener process LOL Good thing is my little 22.7 acres has become a safety zone in many years come gun to many deer, so late season still still a very solid chance for me and I plan on pushing for it if needed.
Quite morning today. One lone spike cruised by at about 55 yards as I was messing around with the gopro. He didn't spook but I'm fairly certain he saw me. I'm trying a new parcel that I got access to yesterday. The owner claims to have loads of deer out here, and he wants them gone. We'll see what happens. He's got a bunch of trails cut terrify through his property for easy access, some ag on the north side and cruise on the east side. It is adjacent to a slough that's on a 250-acre public chunk that I've hunted before. This is probably not the best day for a trial run as the winds are whipping about 25 mph, but it was good to get a tour of the grounds anyway. We shall see. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
Team hunt! Try to determine to go in the morning. Supposed to rain. Would rather do evening but can’t.
It was a quiet day all together... apart from the roaring winds. Between the morning until 10:30 and the afternoon starting at 2:00, I saw one deer. That's a significant change in two weeks' time. Either way, as long as I've got a tag in my pocket that's legal to use, I'm going to keep getting after it. I think the next buck that is bigger than a forky is going to get a really good look. I'm not above shooting a 2.5 year old basket 6 at this point. They certainly eat well! Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
Last few days hunted…zero deer worth shooting and few deer in general. one final evening before the woods change for good (firearms opener tomorrow). we shall see if tonight is the magic night.