After having two vehicles with squirrel damage to the wiring, I only have a hate relationship with them. Bastards is right!
My buddy wants me to repair the wiring on his side by side that was chewed up by something. He blames mice. I'll note blame the squirrels. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
Took me 2 days laying under a car to repair everything. My truck had an abs wire chewed into as well. The car had 4 different lines chewed. They better stay away from in the woods this year.
That's terrible. Shoot them all. Well, not all of them. They also act as an early warning system for other approaching critters. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
I'm here guys. I don't have signal at my hunting camp, so I'm not online a ton during season. This is my wv public land target buck this year..
I posted this in the Smacktalk thread, but I'm going to post it in every team thread so no one misses it: I want to take a minute and clarify a rule in the contest and emphasize the importance of getting your required two different photos with the buck, the bow and you in the pics for entry on the Official Scorecard. The rules read: Scoring system will be as follows: Each participant is allowed to enter ONE antlered deer as their “Buck Score”. This must be the FIRST antlered deer that you harvest during the season. We had an instance last season where someone in the contest killed a buck but failed to get pictures of the buck. This not only resulted in the buck not being counted towards the team total (of course), but also prevented him from entering another buck killed later. ONLY the first buck you kill can be entered, so make sure you don't make the mistake of not getting TWO good pics that have you, the bow and the buck in them.
So, you have to have 2 pics now? Does your bow have to be in both pics? Just the bow, or both me and the bow?
You don’t need to be in them all, just two. Your bow needs to be in the ones with you in them, and the deer but not the ones stated about that you don’t need to be in. lol
Can I just crop a pic and make it 2? sorry Ty I couldn’t help myself. Was just giving LC a little grief. He goes through this every year. Haha