Well I missed last Friday night on a 110-115ish 8. It was ugly. Got a few good days left until I am relegated to second season. Good hunting boys. Like the stuff from the Challenge Duke.
Whats up gents.. Got back from my recent hunting trip with JZ. Had a good time.. and got a few deer kills on video. Jz and I even won the Campbells outdoor challenge.. which was Justins 2nd year in a row win. (first team to ever do this). So that was pretty sweet. I did manage to take another buck.. a 133" 10 pointer.. all on film coutresy of Justin. So I guess I could enter either one.. but I'll probably just stick with the first buck.. since I think thats only fair for the contest. Good luck gents.. lets take some more deer with bow.. shall we?
Odds aren't good, but know that I am still planning on getting out in the second season and I know there is at least one good buck left for me. Merry Christmas guys.
Getting ready to head out for what has the potential to be my last hunt of the season. I saw some does this morning, but no shots. I am up for anything this evening as I just have the one doe in the freezer as a result of holding out for a buck. I may get out next Saturday, but my vacation is over and I hunting more this second season than any before. Been fun but here goes nothing. Hope you guys are well.
Hope you did well Ben. My season here in Illinois is near an end too. I need to get a doe to put meat in the freezer.. but all I keep doing is heading out a scouting. Have put about 20 hours of scouting on the feet and have found some GREAT interests for the 2009 season. Can't wait. Good luck Ben over the next few weeks.
Was a bust tonight, realized I need to get this set moved over a few trees though. I have to get ready for my annual road trip to Denver for work this week so I am all done except for next Saturday. Good luck to you too Duke.