From LittleChief Okay. I'm not sure how many folks will see this but it's worth a try. For the love of God folks, read the rules! TWO PICS of you, the deer and the bow (in the same pic, of course) and the DATE and TIME of the kill. I'm astounded at the number of folks who have been participating in the contest for years who aren't doing this. Also, if I ask you for missing pics or missing info that is required by the rules, please be courteous enough to send me a message and let me know you've added the needed info when you do it. I don't have a running list of folks who are missing required pics/info so if you don't let me know it may be a long time before I dig back through and see that you added it. I do try to remember who is/was missing pics/info and go back to check but the bigger the scorecard thread gets the more difficult it is to keep track of them all. I try hard to stay on top of the scorecard and keep it updated, but I kind of like to hunt too so please try to meet me in the middle and make it a little easier on me.
Those are some great bucks, with joe bear we should be near the top. My season is over. I never shot a doe, I could have but I just don’t need that much meat and I couldn’t get myself to pull the trigger for points. Almost home from driving my buddies vehicle from Kansas, 4 hours left.
You had a heck of a trip anyways. I've got two buck tags left and I plan on trying to kill a doe with my self bow. Hopefully the other guys on the team are hunting. If so I think we'll make a run at the top.
We're in first place by like 120 points once the other two bucks get added. Heck of a start! @Katt72 @SparrowHawk @anthonyzink have you guys been seeing anything in your neck of the woods?
My video is finished and is being uploaded to Youtube. The taxidermist got back with me tonight and scored the deer. 144 6/8. Im going through it as we speak to make sure the math is correct. My next post on here will be with the video and then after you all watch and check my math ill post it on the entry thread.
Once those two Bucks are added we will definitely be in the top 3. Ill be back in NJ, gonna try and get us some more Buck points. Shoot some Does. Easy 200-300 more points available with Does. Wish me luck on a Buck, its been strangely slim picking my last couple of trips.
Awesome Video! That was a heck of a buck Joey. Those horse flies are eating those deer up early in the season.
ive done the math twice from what the taxidermist gave me and I got this deer at 146 5/8. He did say that he was very precise in recording the measurements but rushed through adding them up. What do you guys have?
You guys are killing it! I hope to be able to contribute soon! I may get a few days to hunt before shotgun but it’s all up in the air right now. Still sitting overseas for now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
100 point lead for first place!?! That is amazing !! I know I haven't been super active on the forum guys and I apologize for that, but the good news is we're going to up that lead by at least another 120+ points cause I laid the smack down on this guy yesterday morning!!! LFG!!!!