38 degrees this morning. Brr. Got pictures of a really nice 9pt last night. Don’t think I’ve got summer time pictures of him. Tapatalk being a pain not letting me load them. Had a bachelor party Friday and Saturday and recovered yesterday. Also been dealing with a pesky chest cold for going on almost 2 weeks. Non stop coughing and phlegm. I will be in a stand this week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finally cooled down here 35 degrees this morning. South wind for like last 10 days finally switched to north. I can hunt some different stands now. MnHunterr hard to bowhunt with a cough. Wife had same symptoms as you, she finally went to doctor, it was bronchitis, had to take antibiotic to get over it. Good luck to the team out hunting.
Got one more week then I'll be in the stand! We just accepted an offer on our house! Hopefully we can find a house before the closing date! We finally got a decent amount of rain this past weekend, temps are in the 70s now, way better than 90s we were having. Good luck to the team mates that are already hunting!
Got myself a bonus doe tag today. Something I haven’t done in quite some time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
On camera 2 days in a row is a good sign! Cough is a little better this morning but still a ton of congestion in my chest. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sounds like it's turned into a sinus infection if going on 2 weeks. I would put ya on antibiotics Haven't had time to do much lately, but got a list of things to get done this week. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
Camera activity has definitely picked up but just does mainly. Shot my bow yesterday, got all my gear ready for next Tuesday! Little cold front coming through Tuesday so should be a good first sit!
Cleared my cards and found the big 9 a few weeks ago. This makes him look huge. Found some funny bear/raccoon videos from earlier this summer on the cards. Always fun waiting to really go through 1000+ pics/videos off the cards (not just the ones sent to your app). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Season opens tomorrow. Probably be a minute before I get out but it’s go time! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Posted in the live from the stand thread but thought I’d post here too. All cameras checked with new SD cards and new batteries. Moved all of them off field edges and into the property/pre rut/rut areas. Thankfully didn’t have to use the rifle on yogi. Found a few decent scrapes but no rubs. First time I’ve actually walked into the woods/property since spring. I was sweated up bad though. Why does a fall 83 degree blue bird sky day makes it feel like 100 degrees sometimes. I was soaked. Figure I take the new stand and hunt the corner of the beans or corn next week when it finally cools down. Almost a 20 degree drop on Tuesday. Time for a cold beer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Opening day is tomorrow! Probably won't hunt the morning but will definitely be in a tree tomorrow evening! Good luck team!
I decided that I am going to go out in the morning. Took the day off tomorrow probably won’t shoot a doe yet but we will see! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
First opener I missed in a long time, it gets tougher and tougher to get out of work after midnight and back up at 4/5am. Good luck to anyone out this morning. This also might be a good thing for me I tend to burn out my spots I think. Thursday morning looks promising.
Seen 9 does this morning. Moved a stand. Going to different property this evening. Good luck anyone else that is going out tonight! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Had a good evening hunt. Seen 6 does, could have shot two of them. The 2 i could have shot bedded almost all evening 40 yards away from me. Watched 2 yearlings play in the creek chasing each other which was neat to see. Probably won’t be back out until this weekend or next week. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Who is going to draw first blood on the team and break the ice!?!? Is everyone's season started now? On my way to work I drove by the property I hunt cause its on my way to work lol but there was a 120s/130s out in the field heading towards my stand I was in yesterday evening. Makes me want to try and go out tomorrow evening after work.