Thats a nice one and in velvet too! Always wanted to kill one in velvet Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Cooler temps last night had the deer moving around on my cameras. Sadly no decent buck pictures. Just a matter of time I suppose. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How is prep for fall going for everyone? Shooting a lot? Stands checked? Plots in if you are planting them? I am shooting ok, haven't shot as much as I want, but that is the case every year. Checked straps on all my stands and smoked out my homemade blind, my tower is tight enough it is no issue. I have one more stand I want to hang but I need the corn to come out first to get in there. Plots are mostly done, I want to seed one more area I burned down, figure if I can get up there in the next week or so it'll be ok. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
I still have a few stands that need new straps and a couple that need to be moved. I made it home this morning after driving most of the night so I’m lacking motivation to do much of anything at the moment. I definitely need to go to the range and shoot at some longer distances. I can shoot to 20 around the house. The season opens up in 25 days? Need to get after it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just moved 2 stands today to some areas where white oaks are slowly dropping. I have 2 more sets to move, hopefully this upcoming weekend or I’m just going to bunt them where they are at. Need to shoot some more.
Went to fix the 2 cameras the bears messed with. Didn’t make it to the 2nd one. Walked up on an area along the corn that looked like bears had been laying (grass matted and eaten cobs all over). Walked a bit and heard something. Stopped and listened for 3 seconds before I realized it was a bear breathing real heavy. I must have been real real close. Haven’t ran that fast for that long since high school. Crashed through the 27 acre corn field and boogied out of there. Last time I go out there without a sidearm. Woo wee. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
27 acres of corn is a lot to run through. lol Carrying a pistol is a good idea every year people get mauled by black bears.
Been a crazy weekend/monday. Found out we are having a baby girl! I did end up shooting a lot this weekend but didn’t make it to the range but can shoot out to 60 yards at my house. Turned up the poundage to my bow today to about 60lbs, resighted it in. Didn’t make it out to the properties to move some cameras but definitely will this weekend. Like Dan said with cool temps my cell camera was blowing up just with does and little bucks. Have one extra stand right now that i might hang this weekend. Dan you still have your rx7? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Congrats Justin! Yes I still have the Hoyt. I don’t think I have killed anything with it yet? I was still shooting my Elite last season. How about you? What are you shooting these days? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Justin congrats on the baby girl! Having kids and raising them are one of the most important things we do in our lives. Checking my stuff, ozonics coil isn't turning purple anymore, sign it isn't working. Surprised how crazy price a new coil is. Bucks on cameras way down, same as most years when they're shedding velvet.
Shooting a RX8, I sold my rx7. Probably going to stick with this one for a long time. I love the smooth draw cycle and hoyt's grip has always fit my hand perfect, the way i like it lol. I think you just got the rx7 when we were on a team but was still hunting with the elite cause you didn't have time to set it up or was just in the middle of the season. Thanks everyone, she is due Feb. 11th so will still have a lot of time to hunt this year.
Correct. I had it set up last season but I have so much confidence in my Elite I just kept shooting that most of the time. I also went from fixed pins on the Hoyt to an HHA Tetra. I must admit I prefer the single pin HHA. I had new strings put on the Elite so now I feel slightly more comfortable with the Hoyt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congratulations Justin! Shot the bow a while today, not bad, not great. Nothing majorly out just not happy with where it is at. Worked with the dog for a while with the .22 dummy launcher. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
Going to put in some heavy hours at work the next 2 weeks to get some extra money for a road trip to Kentucky for a week to look at some land to possibly buy.