The funny thing is last year I hunted one afternoon in Maine all year and this came right to me. Granted it is not much, but it is more than I have seen this year all year.
If that’s all you’re seeing I would take it. Most people’s standards are higher than mine on top of that he’s 50pts and good eating.
Where did you go when you went to Kansas? 2 other guys and myself went out there 3 times. We stayed at Radar Lodge. We quit going just because the drive was killer.
We go to central Kansas. Great Bend. Now we hunt St John, about 30 minutes from Great Bend. My buddy has accumulated about 550 acres there. He is almost done building his house on the land.
My season runs to the beginning of February. I’ll have more days in the woods here and there. Pretty frustrated with my performance so far. I should have killed a couple good bucks so far and have nothing to show for it. I need more meat so it’s gotta happen. I will kill a dink if it comes to that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The spot I’m in is pretty tore up from the last time I was here. Solid rub about 10yds from my stand and a couple of scrapes. I need the crappy weather to come so the land owner doesn’t come out and cut wood for a couple of days. He has been cutting up old trees all around my stand. It’s my dads cousin and he lets me hunt up here so no big deal but I wonder if that buck will show during daylight in this spot. I killed my best 2 bucks from this spot and I have a feeling another one has finally moved in the area. It’s been a while the 10 is from 2013 and the other 2014.
Couple pictures right next to my stand where I was this morning. I’ll hunt it again tomorrow after the rain tonight to see if he stops by to freshen them up.
Yeah it blew up. Lol my messenger has gone crazy. Which is nuts cause I have seen 2 or 3 other bucks that are way bigger than mine and thought they would be blowing up. Maybe people haven’t seen their post? Lol still can’t believe it. I still don’t think pictures do him justice. Thinking about mounting him on a pedestal. Haven’t decided for sure. Thinking something like this? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
This buck belongs in a North American Whitetail magazine article. One of a kind with those AMAZING brow tines! Once in a lifetime buck.
Out again. Was out this morning and saw nothing. Probably won’t hunt again until Monday after today. That is the last week of general archery season. Then 2 weeks of expanded zone and I will be done.
Cameras have been pretty dead. No shooters. I’m hoping the loggers are almost done. Gun season opens a week from this Monday. Hopefully something happens soon or it’s going to be a late season slug fest. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk