This is the buck that walked by my stand this morning, looks like a decent buck. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Up in a tree, never been here before. My friend that hunts here said there are a couple nice 10’s in here he shot this one in here last week
I’m on the ground on some cut beans/corner of a corn field. Had a button buck at 20 right away and 13 turkeys a bit ago. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Almost got it done on a doe. 2 of them coming in perfect at 20yds. Needed a few more steps and a deer behind me blew one time out of the blue. Way too far to see me and I’m tucked in here good. They are still feeding behind me so I have no idea. The 2 in front of me bounded off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Couldn’t hunt tonight and wouldn’t you know these guys show up Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Will be in the stand after work in about a hour. Same wind and conditions as yesterday evening. Hopefully get a good look at the bucks that were on my camera above this post lol good luck to anyone else that is going out this evening.
Got busted by a couple does, they came in from behind me, where I never expected them, almost from my house.
Was a good sit tonight. Almost got it done, just came in a little late. Had bucks fighting, 6-8 does. Text my boss to see if I can take tomorrow off so might be out in the morning. Suppose to be 28 degrees hoping for good movement Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I want to go out tomorrow bad but I made an appointment for my daughters car at the mechanic at 730 in the morning. I could probably hunt 930-12. Think it’s worth a go?
Shot a doe last evening and added her to the scorecard. I’m going to get her dropped off this morning. I’ll probably sit out this afternoon and let things cool off and settle down after dragging her out last night. Good luck guys! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’m not going to make it out for that late morning sit that I wanted to, to much stuff to get done around the house. Congrats again on the doe west finger.
This morning was action filled. 10-15 does, 2 spikes, decent 6 and 2 small 8 points. Checked cameras on that property, one buck i was hoping that would show up from last year did and he is a tank! We call him Twin towers cause his brow tines are tall! First pic is him this year, 2nd is him last year. Going to my other property this evening. Wind isn’t the greatest but we will see what happens! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
That is a beast. I am up again. The most I have hunted in October in probably 10 years. Does are on the menu. I have no idea what kind of bucks are around here.