Might do a small walk Wednesday on some public land since its close to home and we are suppose to get some sun finally. Until then its work and staying warm in an ice shanty jigging for those lovely Lake Trout.
We got a surprise of snow today and possible 2-6 inches for Thursday morning. Not sure when we'll be able to get back out and shed hunt. 1 inch of snow that sticks around here can shut things down for a day or too haha
Walked some public land today for a few hours and found one dead doe and a few spots I for sure will be set up this spring for a big gobbler. I will go back again once there is less snow and try again. Never been to that property before and man it looked awesome, turkey deer and yote tracks all over I would have set a trail cam if I didn't want it to get stolen.
Chis, Ya I planned on doing exactly that next time I go out there. I plan on putting out two cams, one for turkeys and one for just scenery and wildlife. Didn't help we got another dusting of snow last night.
Any luck this weekend yall? I'm trying to convince the wife for us to go out today and look. She's sitting right next to me as I type this, so yall can encourage her too, if you have something good! Oh and she said, it's raining haha
We had freezing rain this morning but that was it. Looks like our winter is over after this week. Hopefully that means more time in the woods Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Went yesterday and nothing. Walked 3 miles. Today I've walked another 3 and nothing once again. Might go to a different spot after lunch. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Temps are still low and we just got even more snow. I'll eventually get out there lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Most of our snow melted on Tuesday, but we got 3 more inches yesterday. I put in miles this morning and all I found was a ninja turkey.
What's a ninja turkey? My family farm in Ohio just received 14 inches of snow today. Needless to say they won't be shed hunting for quite a while Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well fellers, I should have a good and long day tomorrow to shed hunt. It's going to be beautiful weather and I hope to walk the majority of the day. As well as looking for sheds I will be scouting and writing up a project list to complete prior to summer and season. Hope some of yall have luck when you head out too. Tho, i'm probably the only one not covered in snow right now.
A lone turkey jumped out of a little cedar and charged me. In my head, I was trying to figure out how the Ronda Rousey armbar would work on a bird...
That's too funny! I think that would classify as self defense if you needed to kill it and of course eat it. He had the element of surprise, he had you pinned and clearly the advantage haha
Well today came and went and Lori and I didn't find any sheds. We really put in the boot work, walking from 11am until 4:30pm. We both really enjoyed the walk and found a bunch of new rub lines. We took home a fox skull Lori found but that was the only thing worth keeping. We still have several good spots to work over in the up coming weeks, which we didn't get time to hit today. Hope everyone else's Saturday went well, whether or not you were able to get out and enjoy the woods.
I got out for a little 3 hour walk Sunday. I didn't find any sheds but was able to swap out some cards on my cams. I also found a dead head spike. That's 2 dead heads for me this year an 0 sheds yet. Good news, tho. I reviewed my trail pictures and found that I had a couple bucks complete shedded. So the bone is out there...just have to find it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Been out 3 times so far.. No sheds to show for it. Found a buck skull near the entrance to some public land with the antlers off.. Looked like someone cut them off
I'm right there with ya David. Thought for sure that this weekend would be the day we found one. Guess not! Eventually we'll score! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk