We got out yesterday and went on a nice hike on some public hunting land. We found a single spike dead head, I cut the antler off but, still isn't a shed. So far this season, i've found 2 dead heads.
We're getting 6-8" of snow today, so no shed hunting for a bit. I did head out to check cams and got my first pic of a shed buck. The other 2 bucks with him were still holding tight. We're getting close though...
We got 2 inches of snow and 1/2 of ice last night. Miss Lori and I put a lot of foot work in today, enjoying scenery and looking for sheds a little. Hope it thaws out quick so I can get to the farm and check cams for any shedded bucks
Welcome to the team Dave! Sounds like you're on a good role so far with sheds. That'll make 4 for the team! The wife and I are planning to go out tomorrow to work on extending a food plot and then shed hunt Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
nice find. bet that gave you some motivation for the rest of the bow season. what state did you find it in?
The wife and I are working on the food plot today. Getting ready to frost seed clover Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Another side of the food plot. We frost seeded today. Well we didn't find any sheds today...but we found a lot of deer bones AND a deer hoof... Never in my life would I of guess I would find a hoof before a shed. I'm guessing EHD got this deer. the hoof was hollowed out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I didn't find any today either. Found a dead deer but that was it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well reading back through the pages I see I wasn't quick enough to check in so I got replaced. Don't recall there ever being a deadline to check in but guess times change. It's also not like me to go several weeks without hopping on here. I haven't been out much and "life's" been busy. My apologies, I didn't mean to let you guys down. Good luck this season.
Dave, sorry to hear that, maybe get in contact with Dan and see if he has another spot open! Sorry you couldn't continue the tradition of team 5! Good luck this season my friend! This also doesn't mean you can't post your pictures and be apart of the team! Your sheds just can't count. Again, sorry to hear that man, I didn't even realize it either.
I'm exhausted! 8.75 miles in 6+ inches of snow...and nothing to show for it. I was checking some public land, but somebody hit all my favorite spots over the weekend.
check them again after snow is gone. with reports of bucks still holding you could still find some that the other guy missed or haven't dropped yet.
Very true. Miss Lori and I probably won't get out to the farm Saturday, we're helping her grandparents move. Maybe we'll get out Sunday and enjoy a nice walk. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A bunch of snow and bitter cold weather means I'm not going out just yet lol Maybe once it warms up a little Ill take a little walk but until then Ill be staying warm.