haha, thanks Quick! I've been devoting my time lately to turkeys with my boys.. we smoked a yote chasing our birds this morning but no birds yet.. I will be back shed hunting real soon.... I dont quit till June
Troy, I missed the moose shed post till now. That's gotta be from one of those 2 we saw right? That's really cool. I'm sure you & the boys will smack a gobbler soon enough. Bet that yote was exciting.
Yup Ryan, I picked that shed up really close to where we jumped those bulls on that old logging road. Yeah that text pic I sent this morning was the yote Jess and I took out ..he was trying to kill a turkey.. dirty little sucker ruined our turkey hunt but ... we got a yote.. Jess didnt shoot him, he just wanted to be in the pix.. Hes not ready for my Mossburg quite yet.. LOL
With the rain slowing things down for farming... I've been out a few times and found 5 more. Looks like Team 2 is running away with this contest. Tim
Good luck with the bear hunting !! Yesterday... the boss and I were looking over an area for a summer work project that he has planned. While he was talking... I spotted a shed. I told him to keep on talking and I took off for it. LOL He knew right away what was going on but I was pretty close to the shed before he spotted it. Tim
I still got my eyes open but the ground vegetation is getting pretty thick around here. Oh, and how is it that someone with the name shedmaster never even checks in? lol j/k
I was thinking the same thing. LOL Still raining here and no farming but did find another one after work last night. Tim
I'm impressed your still after it. Are you re walking areas you have already checked looking for late drops or do you still have fresh areas left?
Alright guys, I know most of these threads have died, but I am gonna get back on the elk shed trail this weekend. Wish me luck.
Man I got skunked looking for elk sheds... grrr.. that and rained on a bunch.. did get my bait moved though and got some great scouting in for elk and whitetails over the weekend.
I didn't find it. I got a text from Kelsey... " you missed one !! " . I knew right away by the picture who it belonged too. My main goal was to find his sheds and I missed it. I stopped in to see it. Kelsey and Harley gave me chit big time for not finding it in their corn field. The damned corn field we tromped and tromped and tromped some more. We tromped it when you where here. I bet we hit it 10 different times at the very least. I bet I was within 20 - 30 yards of it numerous times where Kelsey found it. We pulled a lot of sheds out of there including that other big side ( 72"er ) off another buck. He is definitely the buck I was hunting at the end of season. Harley told me that buck is off limits to me now... he wants it. I just grinned and told him good luck. Kelsey thought he should have dibbs on it. Three of us will be gunning for it next fall... eeerrrr 2 will be gunning for it... I will be trying to kill it with bow long before rifle season. :D I know where I will be spending most of my time scouting this summer!! LOL They were really nice and gave the shed to me with Harley telling me... he better not find anymore sheds in their fields that we missed. He told me to blame Tyler when I got home... just to irk him. LOL He is a pretty good chit. The shed gross an even 71"... Tim
Sorry for not getting back to you. Puter crashed and I just got the new one going a couple days ago. Farming has sucked up all my time in the last month. We had a few bucks drop really late this spring so we were just hitting some of the old areas again at the end. Tyler ran an old corn field yesterday that was too wet for a farmer to get seeded. He found 2 sheds. I think we a officailly done shed hunting now. LOL Tim
Thats a heck of a nice buck Tim, can see why you passed on the big 4x4 now.. dang hes gonna be a beast this fall. You better get him killed early season!
I finally found a stinking shed today and got real lucky and found both sides.. little 2.5 year old 4x4 set.... I know its late in the summer the contest is officially over but my shed count just hit 40... Who knows I may get out and pick a few more up in the norths..
'Tis the season (almost). It won't be long, boys, and the REAL bone collectors will be back out on the beat. Awesome shed Timmy. Hell with your buddy - I'd hunt that buck. Tell him to go pound salt!
Uuummmm... do you not pay attention or what ??? I hunted and killed the buck that belongs to that shed. You are right though... it won't be long. Just talked to the taxi a couple days ago where I took my buck to get mounted. He has one buck already on trail cam that is shedded out. Our deer numbers are down but we should have decent luck again... I assume. Really looking forward to tromping this winter/spring. I will start snooping in a couple weeks or maybe even earlier. I know you will hit it hard. Good luck wearing out shoe leather and watch out for those baby beavers !!! Tim
LOL. I'm losing my mind. I knew you shot a huge buck, but didn't realize that was the shed. I remember your buck having those giant 3's, but for some reason I forgot about the split 2's. My bad. Damn, what a huge buck. Geez. I'm done with beavers. Except for... uhh... umm.. you know. LMAO!