big weekend coming up for me.. starting after work today.. great weather and free time all weekend to shed hunt.. can't wait!
The snow is almost gone here! Went out a little with no luck this morning. Taking my 6 yr old daughter out for a while tomorrow. Hope we find some but I will sneak a small one along for her in my pocket just in case we don't.
Good luck. Our snow is about gone too. Great idea on taking one along. Tyler found 4 today and Britney and I managed to find a spike. We didn't spend a lot of time at it with the nasty wind. Hopefully tomorrow is a little nicer. We are kind of holding off until Troy gets here next Friday. Then we will hit it hard again. Britney wants to shoot bow tomorrow and I want to spend some more time shooting mine but we probably will go out for a little shedding. Troy sent a picture text so I know he found a couple more. The next couple weeks should find us picking up more sheds now. Good luck to everyone. Tim
Add two for me. Found the set to a young eleven point we have watched all year. He was wounded after gun season and I was glad to not find his skull connected to the antlers. not sure why Brooklin looks so grumpy in this pic. lol
Here she is on the walk home. She is also holding the antler I planted for her. She was excited to find one without help from me.
Well guys I was able to get our for a nice walk today, covered a little over three miles. Didn't find any sheds but I did find a golf ball., which is really weird cause I was really deep in the timber. I was walking along an old trail so maybe a dog had picked it up somewhere then got to running deer? Who knows, it was a cool find though. Also found a couple dead ones and a dead rabbit, but again, nothing that helps in the competition. It was a gorgeous day for a walkabout though.
Tough weekend, hiked my arse off, got really wet today, drenched actually.. rain gear kept me dry for about 3 hours then it was over.. Long story short.. 2 more sheds to show for it is all.. Thats how it goes sometimes.. Thought I was gonna pull a few more off the mountain I hit. Back at it again after work a couple of days this week before I head to ND/KS. Total of 14 ... like to hit 20 before I leave..
Just thought I'd check In again. Went out last week for 6 hours, didn't find a thing. The snow Is 80% gone now besides the north slopes of a few hills. I did notice that allot more deer have came back since the last time I was In the woods. I'm guessing the deer are coming back to their home area's already. Good luck all with your shedding adventures. Total hours shedding- 21 Sheds so far- Zippo!!
Hey, guys! Its been a long 10 days since I was last home, I had a great trip out to Tims and Joeys, found 17 sheds and a couple deads. I will post up some pix and a thread when I have time today in the forum. I had a great time with both Tim/Tyler and Joey. It was a fun trip, put 3500 miles on the dodge! Back to work today getting caught up! 33 sheds for the season as of today.
Tyler is out now looking to see if you missed any. Britty and I will be heading out in a little while. Wife had me working this morning. I'll get your shed numbers up to date. Glad you made it out as I know it was quite a haul for you. Tim
Haha, in that country I am SURE i missed a few.. thats some tough shed hunting outside of the yarding areas.
Tim.... Ya figure we ave at least 10 hours a day? put in 8 down at Joeys.. found 17.. thats only 17 sheds in roughly 48 hours of tromping.... found a shed about every 2.82 hours.....
Wow guys, you are just machines haha. My shed hunting is over unless I trip over one while out trout fishing or scouting turkeys.
I tell ya Buck, Tim is a tromping son of a gun! He and I honestly walked at least 40 hours in 4 days.. most likely more, I am pretty sure our shortest day was 10 hours.. I have to take 2 steps to everyone of his! LOL I found out that ND's springtime are very wet and muddy, I had slough mud and water stains up to my knees daily. Have fun fishing! I still have two months left to shedhunt