Siman, where are you going to be fishing in PA? The trout opener is almost as big of an affair here as is the opening day of rifle season.
Went out to the truck this morning on my way to work, and one lone gobbler sounded off up on top behind the house up near the food plot. I was grinning. This evening on our way back from doing some work over at my house, we cut through our fields, and there was a flock of 15+ heading down into the hollow to roost. I'm definitely getting pumped:D
Very cool Matt, I'm yet to hear my first gobble of the year. I know I could if I'd get up but at this point, don't have to. I know they are there. Waiting patiently and checking in.
Guys, my brother filmed a freak today at a local farm, This bird is pushing 70 NWTF with a beard around a foot long. Add him to my hitlist.
Well fellers, I'm going to leave for Brown County tomorrow in my quest for a turkey. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, never turkey hunted where I'm going, and I have one aluminum call that I don't know how to use. I have 3 half days to get it done. What, me worry??
Well, I have nothing to report except that I haven't left yet. We bumped our hunt over a day because of the rain. So, I'm still hopeful... kind of.
Nothing to report, mostly just reading, I'm tired of ankle biters, I'm sure ya'll have noticed as I'm getting plenty of acknowledged pm's, season opens in 2 weeks, Matt will be here opening morning then the 2 of us will hunt with RJ and jawshooter the second weekend. Looking forward to it all. Good friends are hard to beat.
I've been extremely busy lately. I'm off all week and I'm working on the house. I haven't prepped for this season like I would have liked to, but I need to get things done with the house first and foremost. I told Ben the other day that I haven't even shot my bow in three weeks. Good luck, Christine!
Definitely a lot of fun Siman. The first weekend with Matt / PA, the second with Matt, Matt (Rick James) and Jawshooter. The third weekend twildasin will be up hunting with me as well. In the meanwhile, I'll be concentrating on getting Ben his bird but I will find time for me in there somewhere. :d It's going to be a great season regardless!
Well, two mornings down... one left. Had a huge tom go around the wrong side of my blind yesterday. No shot opportunity. This morning Kendall and I set up in blinds about 20 yards apart. I had two gobblers and two jakes come within 20 yards but they were on the other side of a downed tree so all I could see was their heads. (contemplated a noggin shot) They didn't ever give me a shot but they did circle around and eventually offered K a 30 yard shot. He sent a 3 blade muzzy thru one of the toms bird and now it's cut up and waiting for the fryer. :D :D Maybe I'll get lucky tomorrow.
Go get em Christine, you've got em right where you want them. My youngest son has the season that opened in WI today, but we won't be able to hunt until the weekend. Been out scouting and watching birds and have been seeing some really nice toms! Hopefully he will get one this weekend then it is a matter of waiting for another month for me to get a crack at mine. Boy I hate this season structure in WI. Good luck everybody, may your arrows fly straight and true!
Well, no turkey for me. We saw a bunch right in the morning (off in the distance) but by 8:30am you'd swear there wasn't a turkey left in the entire county. They all shut up and didn't want to play any more. We tried a couple of different spots and hunted until 12:30pm but only saw a running away, mute gobbler and a lonely hen that tried to make friends with the decoys. I entertained myself during the long boring spells by beheading ticks. Can we score ticks?
I thought sure that Christine would be the one to make a shot and if I got one, I'd blow it. It was too bad we busted out the big tom early on the last day. Then the shut down. ??? Well it happens. Thanks to Christine and Guide Jim Kerr. Yes. Those are pink feathers. I figured right that no self respecting tom could live though the humiliation of being shot with a pink fletched arra. Thanks to Christine and Guide Jim Kerr.