Hmmm.. Me, Captain? Uh okay... but be warned, Ching Shih is kind of an idol of mine. Who is Shih? go here ---> (warning: naughty language)
Okay a name and a captain. We're late to the party as I see some have avatars. Are we going that route?
If your willing to do one Christine, that would be great. My person on HNI is swamped at the moment... Maybe a box call and a arrow with broadhead crossed, with a turkey in the background? just a thought...
Does it really matter what your avatar looks like? ...well yeah it probably does. Everyone always says "go out in style".
Christine, what do you think? You may be off the hook and able to accomplish those 85906 things Or do you wanna show him up with some made photoshop/editing skills.
Thanks, Christine. So the colors need changed? What say ye all?:D Anything else? I'm not a professional designer, so you won't hurt my feelings.