That sounds pretty cool! A lot better than working in houses that may or may not have Air conditioning!
So, when does everybody's season start? Ohio comes in 9/25. Our PA season doesn't start until 10/02 but I'm not seeing anything but does in PA.
Public land season starts on September 15th for south carolina. If I had private land I could've already been hunting since they open it up in August. My first day in the woods will be the 18th of September.
Ill be in the woods starting 9/10, been having some good bucks come to the mineral site over the past month, havent had anything on camera since Friday, this doesnt seem to be a property that holds deer all the time but when they are there they seem to be there either every day or every other day for a few days. I am thinking if they show up anytime in Sept I will take off the next day and try to get after them, I have to go back and look over my trail cam pictures more.
Yep. CT has it backwards and has a short shotgun season followed by a length black powder season. There is a "bonus" archery season from 12/23-12/30, but I've never gone as the deer are so rattled by then it makes no sense. Private land in CT, the archery season runs straight through from 9/15-12/30.
Is everyone using a compound or do we have any crossbow hunters here? I have both and bounce back and forth. Took my first deer with a crossbow last year, and it was my best buck ever. I'll probably use the compound more this year.
Yeah, the long gap and cold weather kills my drive and desire by the time the late season rolls around. The few short years I owned land in RI, the season ran from sep 15th-dec 30th as well, but never really hunted after mid december. Once the rut is over, for me, the season is over. I love the early season build up to the rut, nothing else like it! After the rut just seems like showing up to a party after all the beer is gone, lol!
I use a compound, but do own a recurve crossbow and used it for a few seasons, 2017-2019. I shot the infamous "butt-shot" buck with it in 2017. I went back to a compound with a lower draw weight because I missed it. I have a service-related disability from the Army in my right shoulder and shooting always caused pain. Lowering the draw weight has eased the pain and makes it possible to shoot.
I use a compound bow. I have a crossbow but it's in Maryland at my folks house lol. Lol I know the feeling! It gets pretty tough to hunt public land when the firearm seasons come in. When I was in Maryland we hunted from early September all the way to January 31st. And I always would get out in January anticipating a snow fall. And it would be nothing but dry crunchy leafs. But we were still able to put quite a few deer on the ground in January though!
Yep, 9/25 in Ohio. I'm thinking about taking it slow early season...we'll see if that actually happens though.
Were you hunting public in MD? I hunted pretty boy a few years back, might give some public a shot if my private land isnt doing well. I think ill actually do some public hunting in MD since i switched to the saddle this year.
I got a crossbow "for the kids" last year and used it on a late season doe. It was super convenient, but I didn't get the same thrill out of it. I might even be more anti-crossbow (for those who don't need it) after using it.
Yeah I did hunt public in Maryland. I hunted in Frederick County. I mainly hunted the Frederick Watershed and Cunningham falls state park. I know between those two places that there are some monsters. There is one guy who hunts both of them that pulls 150" class deer off of either them every year. Never met the guy but his reputation as a big buck killer preceded him. As for pretty boy reservoir I've heard mixed reviews. Alot of good bucks came out of their but also heard it's a pretty rough area. Not talking about the terrain either.
Unfortunately I've had to resort to crossbow since a T-Bone Car accident in 2008. I even bought a lower poundage bow thinking I could but the pain is to great in the shoulder I was hit on to make it worth while.