New scrape on the best property I have to hunt, well I guess its the best, havent checked out the new one to much yet. Cameras on it, hopefully have a good pic soon to show off.
I can relate bro! I film my own hunts most of the time as well. Lots of extra work and effort. Good luck tho bud, you will get one down keep at it. I am chomping at the bit to get to hunt again.. Sat its back open here.
Temps are dropping tonight in North MO. Supposed to have achance of snow in the morning! Highs in the low 40's and lows in the 20's. I'm taking off from work at 3 today and should be on stand by about 5ish. This may be the weekend I get to do more than just film a deer. Good luck on Saturday Shed, everyone else too!
Yes sir it is. I just need to sync my schedule w/the deer. Tonight they should be in my south food plot, I'll be there, hopefully they show too so I can get this doe kill out of the way. My brother and my dad and I all agreed to shoot a doe before we shoot a buck this year to get rid of a few does, so I need to get it done so I can focus on a nice buck by mid Oct.
Too hot, temps right around 90, but next week looks good all week. I think Ill give my stands a rest today, and then hit em hard next week
Its still been in the 80's and 90's here. I'm waiting a couple more weeks before I start to get serious. Our rut comes in mid December, so I have a while before things heat up.
Yep same here. I'm taking today off and just drinking some beer and watching football. Its supposed to cool off tomorrow. Hopefully this is the last of the heat.
Well I got us 50 points guys. I was able to put a doe down on Friday evening. I posted the story up in the general talk area.
Congrats Will, saw 19 does today muzzle loader in hand, need to thin but I was thinking about nothing but racks. Huntin' a bow stand in the AM, well pretty much for the rest of the week nothing but bow stands.
Temps were down in the 30's and 40's all weekend. I expected to see alot of deer, unfortunately that was not the case for some reason. I did get a chance at a nice doe on Sunday morning, but for the first time ever I had a deer duck my arrow. Unbelievable! 30 yards, and after reviewing the video it was going to be a high lung shot, but she dropped a full foot from the time my bow fired and the arrow got there. I took some hair from her but no blood. I'm shooting a fast bow too, just goes to show you how incredible these animals are. She wasn't looking at me, alerted or anything. The broad just has very good reflexes. Till next weekend then.
30 yards and a whitetail, there is no doubt they can jump the string at that distance even the fastest bows move less than half the speed of sound. Shes hearing and reflexing before that arrow ever gets there... Been there experienced it myself. Good luck Bow, hope you drill a nanny soon and run down a big buck as well!
Not much to report here. I've been seein some good deer just no bucks good enough to draw the bow back on and the does aren't close enough! Midterms, papers and other bruhaha have kept me busy this week so I won't be able to get out until Thursday probably. The temps are supposed to cool way down between now and then but its calling for a good chance of rain strating tomorrow running through the weekend. Oh well, won't be long before things start to heat up.
Heading back to North MO today after work. Going to move closer to the standing corn and further from the bedding areas. There are several bedding areas and I think I'm missing out on seeing some of the deer in the area that are using the different bedding areas. My theory is that this could increase my number of deer sightings and opportunities for a shot by being closer to the other end of the action. With the drop in temps and fewer sightings in the clover and chickory, I'm betting on the standing corn to our NW.
I won't get back out until next weekend. I'm heading home a week from today to get a quick weekend of hunting in. I will do my best to give us some points in the form of antlers. I think my set ups are in some pretty good spots and I hope to connect on a buck this time!
Well boys not much going on here. I'm managed to wiff a doe on Friday. It was totally my fault, I just rushed the shot and it sailed right over her back. Rookie mistake. On a better note...4 days till we head to Illinois! We'll be there for 7 full days of hunting. To say I'm pumped is an understatement!
Operation mock scrape starts tomorrow, set up five of them today, hunting two of them tomorrow. Hopefully it will amount to something, good cold night here, may even be a light frost. The tracks I saw today shows that the bigger boys have started moving more and my rut corridor should be golden in a few weeks.