Wow! That sounds awesome. I've been elk hunting a couple of times with a rifle and taken a cow both times. But to hunt them with a bow....that would be really cool. If I ever go again I will definetely go with a bow, I can't imagine how pumped you must get being that close to an animal that is that big. Good Luck!
Well, we just got another 3 to 4 inches tonight, after a month of drought, go figure. Im hope we wont have to replant, but it is what it is and it might be October before we can get everthing planted right if this rain really hurt us.
Yup Bow, its awesome. This big 6x6 was so wound up he couldnt shut up, he had TOO many cows to keep track of almost 40 that Ryan counted, I was real close to him a couple times but too much brush for open shots, then when I got a chance on him.. little too far for what I care to push. To awesome of a critter to be flinging arrows at him imo. I was hoping for 40 yards or less. It was an undescribable night, Ryan said it was like the chit ya see on TV on private ranches.. LOL and this wasnt no private ranch, we were just in the right place right time. Ryan said I came down through the cut about 100 yards from a couple of the big bucks i have trail cams out there of. He was watching me working down off the mountain with behind the herd. Tonight was slow, we got one big bull to fire off way to far off and down on private ground we were up on the federal. Bout it, after elk in the AM, Ryans last day. Hes had quite the week but I will let him tell, I sure hope he drills one in the morning! I want one too but cant wait to get back to what I love the most. Whitetails.
Todays forecast: more frickin rain, saw three deer but to much rain to chance shooting and losing one because the blood trail washes away.
Had a frustrating weekend, finally got some rain on Friday, but just enough to make us late getting set up that night. Coming back to the trucks, my brother and I saw four deer, one of which was standing within literally15 yards of our pickups. Then last night we had two big deer come out with about 5 min left before we just absolutely couldn't see anymore. They took too much time getting to us and since I couldn't be sure of what I was shooting, I just decided to let them pass. Just a little too dark. The wind didn't help either, it was blowing pretty good, in our favor, but a bit much for a 40 yard shot. I've got a three day weekend this coming weekend, so I'll be back at it Friday evening.
Ryan flew out Sunday. I got after the whitetails Sat evening and Sunday. I was able to video a couple dandy bucks but they never came close enough for a bowshot, They are a couple of the bucks I have several trail cams of. I also had a doe and two fawns walk by at 10 yards while on the ground. Wish they would have been one of the big boys. Back after it tonight after work. on a good note its been 15-20 degrees higher than normal temps here the last week.. temps reaching almost a 100 a couple days.. stuffs been locked down in the norths, not much movement. Cold front moving in today! Gonna be in the 30s at night and 50s next couple days!
Sounds like things are starting to pick up for the team! Season comes in here on Saturday. Acorns are decent and the food plots are thriving, it looks promising.
Slow night last night until right at dark, had a lone hvy sounding deer work down the mountain in behind my stand towards my scrapes. He (assuming its a buck) hung up right about 20 yards behind me in thick brush, never did see as he moved off to the east. I snuck out about 10 minutes later in the pitch dark, cow called a few times to mask my exit. Back at it tonight!
Goin to one of my new food plots tonight, first time in this spot this year. Dont know what kinda bucks are roamin the area, so its an exploration hunt. Update tonight or in the morning, depending on success.
had the nicest weather of Sept tonight. 50's great wind, everything seemed perfect, had a doe come by below me and listened to a big herd bull bugle all evening way off... right at dark just as I was gonna climb down, I hear footsteps, I sat back down knowing its too dark to shoot, so I just chilled, a deer moved out above me in the edge of the clearcut, he or she? ate for a good 10 minutes, finally I got tired of waiting and cow called a bunch and crawled down...walked out sounding like a small band of elk.. didnt ever hear the the deer spook or blow... back at it tomorrow after work. Weather is great now..nice and cool tonight 34 degrees projected
Cool here today, 1 doe last night, and 2 this morning, itll pickup, but tomorrow starts the October lull lol JK, some good sign in the plots, which are still coming up surprisingly well. Last day of NW wind here so I am tkaing advantage. Fishing this weekend, be back at it on monday morning.
It's cooling off here too. Down in the low 40's at night and highs in the 50's for this weekend. If we can keep the rain to a manageable level it should be a good weekend.
Nothing much to report for me. The weather has been getting better. It was nice and cool this morning but no movement. I can only hunt mornings the next couple of days. I prefer evenings but I'll go when I can.
This day is killing me. Opening day is tomorrow here in Mi. its very cool out today and its going to be in the low 30's tomorrow morning and i am very antsy ready to get in the wood. Im trying to do different things to take my mind off of it. I even played around with my better half (the little lady). But that didnt work. I dont think I wiill get any sleep tonight .:D (12 hours : 55 minutes : 25 seconds) to go
Well I am heading home to my hunting grounds tomorrow night. I'll start hunting Tuesday. I've had enough school for a's time to hunt :D I'll get to hunt from Tuesday until Sunday so hopefully I can make something happen in SIX whole days! Wish me luck!
I got up to hunt this morning and it was pouring rain. I was already up and awake so I figured I would go ahead towards the property. Well once the radar came up on my Blackberry I didn't think that the entire state being covered in shades of yellow and green was a good thing. We need the rain though. I got back in the bed. Hopefully I'll be able to get out in the next couple of days. On a side note...less than 3 weeks till my 7 day hunt in Illinois!!!!
I have had some rough hunts this year so far. All I'm tryint to do is shoot a doe and it just hasn't happened as easily as I expected. I am trying to film this year for the first time and it has been a little more difficult than I thought. This past weekend I got busted twice trying to get the camera arm in position (self filming because my brother couldn't go last weekend) so I could get my bow up and get the shot. Then one morning I tell myself I'm going to hunt until 10 am and at ten minutes til 10am I decide to go ahead and take off after watching a few does feed on acorns heading the other direction. After I pack up the camera un nock my arrow and lower my bow down I hear something I think is going to be another squirell and there is a doe (big and old) standing ten yards away from my now hanging on the string bow. I'm seeing tons of deer and it's just a matter of time, but man, I've been getting my @s$ kicked lately. I'll get it together and get us some points this weekend hopefully, I've got another 3-dayer.
Got a new property to hunt today, just from riding along the edge, I have seen a fresh rub and some good trails, gettin in their on Wednesday to set up a stand and hopefully Ill get some good pics. Ill be hunting it by next week.
This sounds like exactly what I've been going through! I'm trying to self film this year too but the deer just are not cooperating. I had 3 does come out of the woods in to the beans 2 nights ago. They came out on a trail that's 20 yards from the tree. EVERY friggin deer that comes out of the trail comes to the left once in the beans and walks right in front on me....except for these 3! Grrrr I got good footage but no shot. Oh well. That's hunting.