I haven't forgotten about ya'll. I'm at the beach for a week. I won't be back in the woods until Sunday. It's really nice to be fishing on the surf but my heart is in the woods!
Well, 4 sits, 1 deer, a real small doe, not ideal but also not the good time of the year. Ill be at it again in the AM, taking tomorrow PM off, gotta prefish for a tourney and having some family up. Ill have us a doe sometime this week or weekend
We'll we have early doe starting in the morning. I well be in my stand before sunup i would like to not shoot a doe tomorrow i would like to see there comings and goings. But if a BIG doe does show up i WILL take her. Wish me luck I will have updates in the evening.
First doe of the year Well i shot my first doe of the year. And i dont think we will get the points for her becase i didnt read the rules that i need to have TWO pic of me and the deer and i only took one. And its to late to take another because she is already at the prosessor. So im sorry guys ill remember to take two pic after my next kill..... Sorry ............Sorry..............Sorry
Congrats Clos, no worries, get another nanny down if you have the tags for it. Been elk hunting the past few days since I got back from down south. Be back after whitetails after this week of elk hunting, may even slip in a whitetail hunt this week. I have Rybo out here hunting with me right now till Sunday.
Congrats Clos! Post a pic of that nanny for us! I haven't had much luck the last couple of days. I got ruined by a couple of foxes 2 days ago. I might be at it Wednesday or Thursday. Good luck Shed!
Not really hunting right now, been to busy planting food plots and enjoying what is left of Dove season, been having a good time shooting them. Got all of my food plots in the ground, and hopefully the 5 inches of rain we have had over the past two days wont hurt the $500 of seed in the ground. I'm gettin some stands ready tomorrow and I should be hunting by the end of the week again, and then Ill start to hit it hard by next week and go full swing into the hunting mode. Congrats on the doe BTW
NW MO also! The rain keeps barely missing us. I'm going out for the first time Sat and Sun. I'm not hunting my good spot yet, I'm saving that for at least until we're in a solid pre rut. We need to shoot some does this year so that will be the focus, but we are just as likely to see a nice buck. Either way I plan on having at least 50 points for us by Monday.
Well we had a good shower here today and it's calling for a good soaking rain on Saturday so that will be great to get our fall plots off and running. Season comes in for me next Saturday and I can't wait!
Ryan saw a couple of my nice bucks last night, as I was working my way down the mountain behind a herd of elk. Few more days of elk hunting then its gonna be all about whitetails for me for a good 3 months. Passed up a couple broadside shots a nice 6x6 herd bull last night.. too far out he was standing out there in the high 50's. Been really hot mid 90s past few days. Critters are quiet and are not moving much. Suppose to get better/cooler this weekend. Back after elk this evening.