Well...I just got back from my week and a half in North MO. I passed several small bucks including a 125" holding out for a couple of certain bucks we had pics of. On the 8th day of my trip my wife and kids were coming through town on their way to the airport to go to a wedding for the weekend. I met up with them and spent a couple of hours visiting before they left. I got back into the woods late and had just moved to a new stand location I had been saving all year. I figured I would get it set up for the next day and sit it for a little while that evening...not expecting much because it was after 3:30 pm by the time I got to the tree. I got everything set up and had just finished leveling my camera arm and started to pull up my bow when I heard leaves rustling behind me....I looked up and knew immediately that it was a buck that we had named Cpt. Hook. He was coming right in behind me. The area I was hunting is a dense wooded area that is a huge travel corridor for the deer in our area, by the time you see deer they are usually within 50 -60 yard of you. He came up behind me and stopped at 25 yards, he looked around for a minute and passed within 10 yards of my tree......all I could do was watch him trot away. I guessed him to be around the mid 150's from the pics.....but after seeing him twenty five yards away, he is a solid 160 at least maybe bigger. I hunted for two more days and passed the same 125" hoping to see the Hook again. I never did. Now gun season is on and I can only hope he survives another firearms season so I can get another crack at him during the late bow season. I have a good late season gameplan for him. Come on Captain.....just seven days left of gun season....you can make it. Did I mention that I have been sick to my stomach since that evening?
Great deer guys, keep them coming! Things are just now getting decent down South. The 1.5 months should be good hunting.
Guys, I finally will have a chance to do some hunting over the next four days! It will only be mornings because I will be taking my boys out in the afternoons for some gun hunting. I hope to put some points on the board! Many of you probably do not know, but I moved to Alabama in August and that has really hampered my time for hunting. I haven't had a chance to find a place to hunt here so the only time I get is when I go back to MS during the holidays. Sorry for not being able to fully contribute this year.
Back to north MO this weekend to go after the big buck I saw on Nov 11. Nobody got him during firearms season so I hope I can see him at least one more time and get a shot. Good Luck guys!!
Nothing much to report here. Weather has been warm. Today its windy. I'm planning on going in the AM.
Nothing much to report here. Saw a lot of bucks over the Thanksgiving week but the shooters were too far away Oh well, I love the late season so bring it on!
Hey guys, checking in, got a dandy buck last week, posted it in the forums if you havent stopped in, under "Nov Buck" Hunting hard here now, got some unfinished business to settle before Christmas. Best of luck to everyone the rest of the way! I should be able to get a doe down in Montana come late season as well.
I should be back at it tomorrow morning. The weather has finally gotten good and I've been sick for the last 2-3 days. Figures...that's just the way this season has gone. I feel good about a new spot I'm in so hopefully it will pay off soon.
I have a couple of good late season spots I'm trying out....Hasn't been too good since Mo firearms season . I've been getting my butt kicked by all of the standing corn that is still in due to all of the wet weather this year. I filmed a nice buck about 150 yds away along the edge of a corn field....he never went more than 50 yards from where he was bedded. Until all that corn comes out I don't think they are going to do much but hold tight.
Patiently waiting for Dec 10th, late archery opener. Got a couple stands embedded in big buck bedding areas I can't wait to hunt.
Gonna go out tomorrow and see what I can do, If i cant make it happen tomorrow Im gonna shoot some nanny's .
I went out the past two weekends in North MO. The activity during daylight is picking back up since firearms season. I've spotted a couple of nice bucks and passed about a 115 inch 9 point on Sunday morning. It was a really cool encounter, he gave me a great 30 yard opportunity and a perfect 15 yard opportunity. He just needs to grow up a bit still. I was a very pretty morning, I love hunting in the snow. I saw seven other deer that morning and saw multiple deer every sit. I have time for 5 sits this weekend and made the necessary adjustments (I think). One of the bucks I saw was following a couple of does and some of the scrapes in the area, even though they are covered with snow, had dark yellow almost orange pee stains in the snow above them. I think some of the does that didn't get bread during the Nov rut are coming back in to estrus and the bucks are picking up on it. Hopefully I can get a nice buck to come by this weekend.
Way to go shed! It won't give us any points, but I filled my last buck tag this weekend. The story is in the general talk section.
I have a new buck on trail cam that is visiting my turnip patch. Check it out in the forum, I posted pics of that buck and the one I missed an opportunity at during my vacation in November.