Slow weekend for me.. saw one good buck all weekend.. couple does.. not much moving where i was set up
I'm leaving tomorrow for my week and a half hunt in North MO. The weather isn't looking very good. Hopefully things pop and we get the rut going during this time period, I think it will. Good luck guys, talk to you fellas in about two weeks.
Well guys I'm sorry to report that I didn't manage to fill my tag in Illinois. It was a tough week of hunting. We got a lot of rain and high winds. I had several encounters will some dandy bucks but they just wouldn't come where I needed them to. That's bowhunting. The rut just was about ready to kick in but the bucks were not responding to any type of call. It was a blast though. I saw more bucks this past week than I'll see in the next 5 years here at home. I plan on getting in the woods Wednesday morning.
No luck this evenin, only thing I could have shot was wo girls on bikes throwing rocks in a pond 45 yds away. Really, I go hunting and this is what I see?
Well team I don't have much to report, actually I have nothing to report, because I have not seen one deer from stand in my last 5 sits. I have always been on the fence about the full moon suppressing daytime activity but I now believe it is true. Add to the the fact that these mountain deer are so darn smart and I'm gettin kinda frustrated! But I'll be heading out tonight and will be able to hunt all day Friday and Saturday and the weather and wind should be perfect for me to hit up my best spots. I might do a little gun hunting Saturday afternoon (please forgive me!) to help out with our management goals, but I'm hoping to report back with a nice bow deer after this weekend!
I'm heading out tomorrow and should get 3 or 4 sits in this weekend. Good luck to all who are getting out! Now is the time to be out there!
Seriously, I cant catch a break, had three dogs runnin all around the stand tonight in an area that is completely packed with sign, shouldve shot them but I dont have the heart, got down and went home early and sat on the field at the house with the rifle.
Well, saw an eight, only problem was he is real young and not wide at all, so I let him walk, got some good video of him out of the rifle stand though, best buck I have been able to record, if they are bigger, I dont pick up the camera I just go straight to shoot it mode.
Congrats Will, awesome dude. I also added us another 50 points, team. Story and pics are in the general bowhunting forum!
Almost came through for us tonight, a nice 100" + deer came in and winded me in a swirling wind. Ill be back at it Wednesday.
Way to go Rockinchair! Sweet deal. I should get a doe in Iowa fellas, np. t-10 days and counting till I am in Whitetail heaven!
FINALLY I get to get back in the woods today. It's been raing hard for the last 3 days because of tropical storm Ida. The best week of the year for hunting and we get 5" of rain in 3 days along with 20-30 mph winds. I'll let ya'll know how it goes this afternoon.