Doe down in North MO. I finally got a nice doe to cooperate and everything came together Sunday morning. Got a doe kill on a self-filmed hunt and 50 points for team 5. I'll work on getting a rough bit of footage posted as soon as I can. Time to focus on a big buck here in a couple of weeks. Congrats Shed!
Congrats BOWSPEC and shed.. way to hold us down! I've had a rough couple of sits the last couple days- I posted a threat in the General Bowhunting forum if you want to take a read. It's warmed up quite a bit here this week so I'm going to chill out a couple days and really start hitting things hard this weekend.
Good luck Rock! knock one down! scored my buck guys, submitted it.. 124 5/8 time for me to run down a hammer now! ...see what happens. Gotta love this stuff! Good luck everyone on the C.I. team!
Congrats Troy and others, keep them coming! I hope to add some points latter in the year. I've only been out a few times so far, passed a few small bucks and a doe or two. Its a long season...
thanks DC, i was ready to fill a tag! lol Got one more for Idaho.. Hey good luck man, hope you find one that tickles your fancy! Nice seeing ya again stop in more often...
Nice job guys! That's what I'm talking about. Keep em coming! I'm headed to Illinois on Thursday AM. We've been planning this trip for a year. Needless to say everyone is pretty jacked up. Hopefully I'll be able to give some updates throughout the week. Good luck fellas!
Got to draw on my first deer of the year tonight, but I lost light, I could either see the pin or the deer but not both, so I let down. Big ol' mature nanny, shes educated too, need to take her out. New rub 20 yards from my stand too, thats always a good thing. Back at it again tomorrow as long as this cold doesnt completely kick my ass any worse than it is now.
Here is a short and rough version of the deer that ducked my arrow a couple of weeks ago and the deer I shot last weekend. I'm still limited by the capabilities of my will be updated as soon as I have the extra cash. Right now I'm not able to utilize about 80% of my footage from this season because my cpu won't handle the resolution as I am using AVCHD video and Pinnacle Ultimate Studio 12. Don't be too rough on me, this is my first season filming and my first self-filmed bow kill. This has really all been practice in preparation for when we get closer to the rut and I get a chance at a nice buck. I'm also still working on my editing, so far I'm only using a small portion of the options avaiable with my software. I'm trying to get all of the kinks out of my set-up and make mistakes now before the big moment, if it comes. I'm actually kind of glad I haven't had a chance at a good buck yet, but I'm sure it will happen at some point this season.
Well I am heading home in the morning to make it back to hunt tomorrow evening. I should get in 3 or 4 hunts this weekend. Good luck to everyone getting out this weekend!
Sorry guys i have not been on in a while but i have been hunting hard.............. I have my eyes on this 150- 160 12pt that has been crossing in the same spot seen him a few times but i have my stand about 80yrds from where he is crossing . im going out this weekend again and i think im going to move my stand 40yrds closer maybe he will cross paths with my arrow this weekend.
I came close to giving the taxi a call this weekend guys. The buck I am after ("The Birthday Buck") came by my stand and offered me a 20 yard shot yesterday morning. The only problem is, it was 10 minutes before legal shooting light! I tried everything I could to call him back after if got light, but he was heading for his bed and he wasn't falling for it. Oh well, thats bowhunting. I'll give it another try in a couple weeks. Here he is.
Thats a heck of a buck OK! Man I hope you get him, been hoping that since you first posted those pix of him over in the main bowhunting forum.. Hes a dandy !
Hey Shed, when do you start your IA hunt? I have my vacation set for 11/4 to 11/15. That's when I really plan on hunting alot, pretty much all day everyday. I'll be just about 14 miles south of the IA/MO state line, they came over the radio yesterday here in Des Moines and said that the number of vehicle accidents involving deer just exploded in the past two days. Never a good thing, but it does act as a "rut barometer" of sorts. It appears we have started the first phase, they aren't chasing yet, but it has begun. I am getting pumped!
Nov 20-29th .... My buddy Mike lives in Des Moines as well. But we will be hunting down on his farm south of there an hour and half away I think he told me it was..
Cool...that's pretty close to where I hunt. It takes me about an hour and a half driving south to get to our place. Have you ever been there to hunt before? There are tons of big deer down there, it's awesome!
Nope, this is my first trip out to Mike and "J" (Jasons). They kill great deer year in and out. J killed a 196 gross nt last year.