Check in as you please. rockinchair-checked in NCRemington700-checked in clos21-checked in BOWSPEC-checked in Double Creek-checked in Oneshot7-checked in OKbowhunter-checked in shed- checked in ALL HERE
Hey Oneshot, looking good out here in Northern Idaho, I have a couple dandies I am keeping tabs on via scout cameras and glassing, hung a stand today in one of the big boys hangouts. Hunting Idaho from August 30th to mid Dec in my home state and then Iowa for 9 days in Nov this season and if need be, Eastern Washington State if I fill both my Idaho Tags. Pix of these bucks are over in the Whitetail Forum under "A couple bucks I will be after this season" Good luck everyone on team 5! Should be fun.
I saw them Troy, and they sure do look pretty. I don't have my cameras out yet, but I plan on putting one out tomorrow on a trail I plan to hunt in a month and a half. Ive seen a couple of bruisers in the fields Ill be bordering, but nothing quite like yours. Ours max out at about 140", and thats huge.
Good luck Oneshot! That is a big buck for NC! Here a big buck runs in the 150's 160s ...nothing like the midwest and what some of these guys see/ hunt, but hey all we can do is hunt what we have in our areas. Good luck ! I hope everyone gets a crack at what makes me happy. Should be a real fun Team, good to see everyone checking in!
Just curious where is everyone from? Were ya gonna be hunting guys? Idaho and Iowa for me .. from Idaho
NC here, and I might get to hunt SC or Va this year. I know next year I am goin out of state some where, just don't know yet, so we need to win and I can go out of state next year lol.
Im from Oklahoma (if you couldn't tell :D) and that's where I'll be hunting. I've got a couple bucks on trail cam that I would sure like a shot at. I hope everyone has good luck this season!
Got out today and put in my first mock scrape, well actually I overmarked a huge (4-5 foot) existing scrape that has the licking branch being worked already, scrape just has tracks in it so far. I was out scouting a big 6x5s stomping grounds and located a the perfect bench down in the canyon he runs to set up this dripper full of synthetic urine and forehead gland on the Lbranch. Put the trail camera in and have my tree picked out if he shows on the trail camera in the next couple weeks. Really nice area that I have never hunted before. Knowing hes in there and who knows what else its a big canyon. Nice old skid trail for me decend down to my spot and then get back out. Good for west and northern winds too. Not to bad for eastern winds so its a pretty sweet spot. Lots of buck sign from last year, littered all over in there, I went because I knew it was gonna rain so I got in scouted hard and got rained on hard as I left the set up.
Checking in! I'll be hunting in SC and NC occasionally. I've also got a 7 day hunt in Illinois in October!
I'll go ahead and give an introduction. My name is Will. I live and hunt in Oklahoma. I am 19 and currently a sophmore at Oklahoma State University. This fall I will be getting my education between hunts :D. I am pursuing a degree in Construction Management and hope to get a job in the construction industry in the next few years. I am still pretty new at this game, as this will be my fourth season bowhunting, and I have taken five deer with the archery tackle. I have some nice bucks on trail cam so far that will hopefully cross my path after October 1st! I look forward to a good sucessful season with you gentlemen.
I'll be hunting North Central MO mostly. I will be spending some time hunting in Iowa, I just moved to Des Moines and don't really have a good spot to hunt here yet but I'll get something figured out.
Troy, good luck on those giants! I have a few decent bucks that I am keeping tabs on. No giants, but solid none the less. I haven't decided if I'm going to Illinois this year or not, probably not, so it looks like I will be hunting MS only.