Good luck Longbowman. I have high hopes for this weekend. Weather should be perfect. Gonna break out the estrus and the grunt tube, I think. I've gotta make up for last weekend. I put a big scratch on a doe's back. I think I put my 30 yrd. pin on her instead of my 20, but I'm not sure. Big time choke job. Doe fever?
well boys tomorrow is the day, jumping in the diesel and starting the 21 hour drive to Missouri! the outfitter says there are some "hawgs" on the ranch that we will be hunting (they all say this). but Im pretty excited non the less. Been on many guided hunts but never a bow hunt, should be nice to be in a place that has some big deer and have an opportunity with the bow. outfitter has a 130" minimum with a $500 fee for a little buck, so if I do kill it will be a good one, not that I would pull the trigger on one smaller than 130 anyway wont have internet for the week (new Iphone didnt come in yet) but I'll be sure to let you guys know how it goes! good luck with your hunts.
Good luck tacks...Had this bruiser come in last Saturday morning about an hour before I got to my stand, the new #1 on the hit list. this is the 1st I've seen of him all year. Not real good at scoring, anyone have an idea? I was thinking a little over 150
He's a 150 class no doubt! Good luck!! I live In a one tag are so I've been doe hunting on and off In a zone an hour north of me the last 3 weeks. Been a struggle trying to get a doe with In recurve range. Another guy hunts this land and he's been riding his golf cart through the woods all to often. It seems he does It when I'm there. I wonder why? Officially today my buck hunting starts. Been running a few mock scrapes with camera's on them. I also put some camera's on a couple other real buck scrapes. Been waiting for something big to show up but so far nothing over the 125 Inch mark. Usually 130 Inches Is where I draw the line but screw It I'm going after a wide mid 120's 4.5 year old that I know for sure lives on the land I hunt. I believe I know one of his bedding spots on this land so today I'm going out to set up on him In hopes of killing him this week coming or going from this particular bed. Good luck all!!
2 days ago I set up on the buck pictured above. Had him underneath my tree but I couldn't move when he came In. I had 6 doe's and fawns to my left about 5 yards. I couldn't move an Inch. Once the doe's made their way north of me he started following them. By the time I got spun around In my stand he was a good 25 to 30 yards out which Is a tad too far for my recurve. It was some what frustrating but rewarding at the same time. My set up worked, just didn't end the way I would of liked.
Great Photos. School has been kicking my you know what so I haven't had so much time on here. I sat tonight and saw 6 different young bucks in the last 30 minutes of light. Things are looking up.
I put up a new stand yesterday In hopes of seeing a certain buck. Saw the same buck that I posted pictures of yesterday evening. He came through at 4:45 PM, almost 2 hours before dark. He was following 2 doe's. He followed the wrong the doe. One doe went to my left directly away from me and the other doe came by me at 10 yards. He was as close at 30 yards, just too damn far to shoot. This weekend the orange army hits the woods. I need to get It done before then.
Thought I'd update everyone. Been busy and never got out during early season much, so I decided I stay out till November. Went out yesterday and hunted all day in 2 different stands. All I seen were does, not one antler, I rattled a couple times too. The bucks must been deeper in the timber than I was. I think its about a week away from getting good where I'm at, good luck to all of you guys!
I know it wasn't with a bow, but my son, 11yrs old, shot his 1st deer on the MN fireearms opener...Shot it at 30 yds. she ran about 25 yds and piled up, no blood at all because the shot blew the heart into and plugged the exit wound...Not sure who was more proud , him or me...
Well I had my chance on the 4th last Friday morning at 8:30 AM. There was some chasing going on north of me and finally the 2 doe's and doe fawn that were being chased made their way to me. Not far behind them was a decent 8 point In that 120 Inch range. I drew my recurve back 3 different times on him. He wouldn't sit still for nothing as he was always moving or turning around keeping an eye on these doe's. The 4th time I drew he finally stayed put for a bit and I let the arrow fly. Just as I released he crouched down his head and body to chase a doe as she moved some and I hit him on top of the spine. Got maybe an Inch of penetration by the looks of It. Arrow stayed In him flopping as he ran. Talk about a sick feeling In the gut. Tracked him about 150 yards with blood here and there. Every time I lost blood I'd look for doe beds and I'd then find more blood by them. He was already snooping minutes after being shot so I know he's not hurt to bad. Sure ticks me off though. I did everything right as the arrow was going perfect but he had other things on his mind I guess. I've always said speed don't kill but this time It would've I believe. I'm not sure If he's 4.5 years old or older. He's a tank and his head Is huge. I'm thinking he'd dress some where In that 200lb range, maybe more. Beautiful looking rack on him. It was chocolate colored. Lots and lots of mass on him too. I sure hope that arrow fell out sometime through out that day as Minnesota's gun season opened the next day. Edit: Got a trail cam picture and a few video's of him 3 days later. Arrow was out. Not sure how long the arrow was In him though prior to this.
Went ahead and shot a buck on Friday. All I've been seeing are small racks. On Friday, the day before firearms start here, I decided to take one. It is my first deer w/ a bow and I couldn't be prouder of him, even though he'll only get us 50 pts. I'm sure. I'll post pics on the Scorecard thread this weekend sometime.