T minus 6 days for me....As we get ready for our seasons to start we should think of those who aren't going to be able to hunt for a while, namely our Soliders, Airmen, Seamen and Marines who are serving here and overseas... I think we owe them more than words can ever say... Just saw this video, I had no idea that this even occurred. Sounds like the true meaning of what it's like to be an American. http://youtu.be/MDOrzF7B2Kg
Dirty Dozen sounds good to me. I'm getting ready for season here in Kansas. Just got a new issue of D&DH, article in their says we should have a exciting rut this year. Last year they predicted we would have a "weird" rut, and I think many people would agree with that.
jhuff2010 checking in!!! I am a fill in for whoever was no show. I will be hunting in south central PA and maybe some in Western Maryland and west virginia. Got a couple of average bucks running around but not sure what will happen. Going to stick me a doe if the opportunity presents itself. Season starts oct 1!! Lets go!! Dirty Dozen FTW
Hey gang....rocking chair just pm'd me and said I have been assigned to this team.....do you need another member??? If so I guess youvare stuck with me.....I will post a quick bio later....
Whoohoo...ok then I found a home....there was a couple of mixups and I have been to 2 teams already..thats why I threw my hat in first to make sure.... Anyway..here is a little about me... Hi everyone... My name is Bob, I am 58 and have been married for 35 years. I have two grown daughers. I live in Eaton Rapids Michigan and hunt all private land. This will be my first serious year hunting after 15 years of doing very little hunting.....various reasons for this. I have 5 sets so far and plan on doing one more next weekend. I will be hunting the early anterless season that starts on Thursday and I won't be returning back to work until Tuesday the 20th so hopefully I will be good for 50 points anyway. I have my eye on two 10 points...one was in the front yard last night. My wife spotted him around 10:30 and we spent the next 20 mins or so glassing him. He had a little 4 point hanging with him. I haven't been able to get either of these two guys on cam yet...mostly because I don't want to disturb the area they are in...Those spots I will move into the last week of October and the first two weeks of Novemember...hopefully something will pan out then. I put up a tree stand last Sunday in a great spot for early doe season....here is a video I did just for kicks....I never tried do this before and it was done with my droid X2 cell phone so please be kind.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HGrcBgEWVU I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and here's wishing you all the best of luck and be safe..! NOW..lets kick some butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[/IMG]Just seeing if I can upload a photo from my phone using tapatalk Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
Jhuff2010 & DeereGuy, Welcome and happy to have you! DeereGuy I lived in Lansing for about 10 years. I used to hunt around Eaton Rapids years ago among a number of other places. If you have private ground to hunt you will be knocking some deer down no doubt. I leave in the morning for Colorado. I will be chasing elk around for the next week and a half or so. In the mean time you guys do your thing! Talk to you all when I get back. Let's make the Dirty Dozen a team of destiny!
Welcome to the crew jhuff and Deereguy. We have a good mix of states represented on this team...several from the north and midwest, a guy from Texas and now the Northeast is represented, so I like our chances. The addition of you two makes us a full, 12 man team.
Hey LittleJohn..thanks for the welcome and glad to be aboard...It looks like after scanning the posts here I might be the only one from Michigan...
Welcome DeerGuy and jhuff!!! Good group of people here, I like It. I'm sure your well on your way but best of luck AE out west. Man I'm missing not being In the mountains this year. Be safe!!
Welcome jhuff and DeereGuy! I'm ready to put some points on the board! Good luck to you all and be safe out there.