Whatcha shootin'? I know some have listed what bows the're shooting, but some haven't. What is everyone shooting this year? I shoot a 2007 Bowtech Commander, as you can see in my avatar my son shoots too. Actually my wife and son shoot Diamond Razor Edge's and my daughter will be getting a Mission for her birthday...
I shoot a 1997 Bear Super Strike XLR with a Whisker biscuit and carbon express wolverine 6070 arrows. And I will be shooting rocket expandable broadheads. I'm hoping to get a new bow next year because mine is super old but shoots ok. Still not sure what I should get..
I'm shooting a PSE Baby G. Haven't seen any shooter on the cameras yet but I haven't had them out but a couple weeks. I'm actually sitting in the delivery room with the wife waiting on our first baby so I will be occupied through September, good thing our season starts in October. 13th year bow hunting and my 6th year of this contest (between here and huntingnet.com)
Bow I'm shooting an 70"@27" Bighorn Ram Hunter longbow. Hickory arrows with my sons hand chipped stone heads. I've seen two different 150" class buck on my two pieces of property so there are some good ones around. Hope we all have some fun!
Twin Cities. South Suburbs. And the greatest day of my life was when the Gophers beat the Hawkeyes last year. God I cannot stand the Hawkeyes. Also, I go to school at Luther College in Decorah, IA
Suggestions for a team name: 1. Dirty Dozen 2. The Big 12 3. Legends of the Fall 4. Bows on Bone 5. Bone-a-fide Archers 6. Bonkers for Bones 7. Bone Bound 8. Bone Heads 9. Silent Shaft 10. Sweet Shaft Have to run for now...
I like "The Dirty Dozen" too. Also, I can submit myself as captain unless somebody else wants to. I' haven't been in this contest before, is the only thing. It sounds like Jim has a lot on his plate right now. (Congatulations Jim). I will submit this info at the end of the day today, Saturday, pending any objections fom you all. We need to get this in, as we are one of only two teams who have not yet submitted this info.
I like "The Dirty Dozen" too. Also, I can submit myself as captain unless somebody else wants to. I' haven't been in this contest before, is the only thing. It sounds like Jim has a lot on his plate right now. (Congatulations Jim). I will submit this info at the end of the day today, Saturday, pending any objections fom you all. We need to get this in, as we are one of only two teams who have not yet submitted this info.
I agree. He did not seem interested in captain and someone needs to be. I think you should be team captain and submit our team name as "The Dirty Dozen"
Thanks everyone for the congrats I do have a lot on my plate right now between the baby and work. I'm good with LittleJohn as captain, go ahead and get it submitted. I'll try and check in more often. I do have Tapatalk on my Iphone, so you all will here more out of me as I'm sitting in the stand. I'm closing out a huge project this month at work, then everything should settle down and get back into a more normal routine for me. I may try and squeeze in a hunt in Kansas this year but that all depends on Momma and baby girl
O.k. Our name and captain have been submitted. Also, I PM'ed NebBowhunter and PSE Buck Killer, our 2 no-shows, asking them to check in ASAP. If not, the admins will be replacing them w/ alternates. Enough business, let's get ready to slay some deer.