I do believe you are allowed, I remember another member used a shed dog and it was all gravy. Do you have a shed hunting dog? I messed around with my dog in the yard and she did great never took her out in the field tho.
I take my shepherd out with me almost every time I go shed hunting. I trained him using the shed bone kit but he still has a lot of training to do. We've only found a couple dead heads together so far.
I don't have a dog but my cousin was wanting to come to my land and run his dog for training. There is one set that I really want to find to but wasn't sure if I should add it to the total or not. Sounds like I'm good?
I didn't have any luck this weekend either. I don't know how many of my bucks have shed yet but ill give it another shot this weekend.
As for names we have these so far, any more suggestions? Doesn't matter to me on the name just want these deer to start dropping!! Match makers Just the tip
Anyone else ?? Hey guys, I have intentionally stayed out of my good areas since it's early. I'm taking off work the 10 th for sole purpose of an all day shed hunt and hopefully get some content for the show. I usually do some good on all dayers. Will still get out this weekend if no over time !
I did an edit on our title ! Well so far no OT this week end, if it sticks ill be out at day break in the morning!