Update from me guys on the my daughters and I first hunt together. It was a success! Although no deer was harmed. I took to the public land I've been hunting mostly this year. I went to spot that I've always seen deer, but haven't been in there this year. About 1 mile hike in and she handled it like a champ! Found fresh sign within 50 yards of were I want to setup. Let her pick the tree and I set the platform about 8 feet off the ground. I put her in my old hunting saddle and we shared the platform. As we were setting up, a deer walked up on us and she screamed DEER! and of course it ran off! Lol. About 6 we had a doe and fawn walk by us at 25 yards and she got to watch them. Then 20 minutes later they came running back after they hit our back trail. Got down shortly after and made back to truck just before dark. She pasted out on the ride home. It wasn't what she was expecting, but we had fun. She wanted to walk around and explore more. Also she didn't want me to shoot anything, she didn't want to see the blood. So still dont think she could handle that part yet. But over all a start in the right direction. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
congrats sparrow! i got my blind set up on my buddies farm today. seems like it is going to be a good spot.
That's awesome, does she handle your deer you bring home well? If so it's only a matter of time before she comes around to the "hunting" aspect of it. Maybe start recording some hunts in the future and intro her into the shot aspect like that. Glad you were able to make it happen and have such a unique experience with her.
That's some tough stuff. Hopefully it was side effects of the meds. Either way, take care of you and yours first, there's a deer season every year. You only get one of each family member/friend. We'll hold down the fort while you take care of yours.
Yeah every time I bring a deer home she want to see it and touch it. It's just the blood part she doesn't like. I was going to let her watch a couple kids on YouTube shoot deer and she what she thought. My youngest thought, she's going to be ruthless! She most likely will be my hunter. Never know though. I not going to force it on either of them, if they show interest, then I will go from there. They both do love shooting bows also! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
My Brother in-law went out to our farm in Ohio this past weekend. He only saw small bucks. I'm sure the full moon was the cause of the mature bucks not moving in daylight. I'll be headed back out on Friday afternoon.
I was able to get out tonight. It was a little after 5 before I got in the stand. About 5:45 had a small buck come through. Then I heard some chasing. Another buck was hounding a doe. Then i saw a bigger buck through the brush. 2 of the 3 bucks started destroying trees and making scrapes for about 10 minutes. Then they sparred for a couple minutes. I lost the 3rd buck, so I grabbed my binos to get a better look at the bigger buck and that 3rd buck was practically under my tree and busted me. They all took off. Then at about 7:20 I heard another buck shredding a tree for about 5 minutes. Never got a good look at him. Just saw a big shadow walking away from me. What a awesome night. Sent from my SM-G965U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Sounds like a pretty exciting evening. The cooler weather and full moon must be triggering something.
I sat last night and finally saw a buck older then 1 1/2 years old. I got to watch him for about a 1 hour on and off. First thought that might be a 3 year old, but the more I could see him, he was looking like a 2 year old. He had a nice rack. He is a 7 pt, but pretty much a big 6 pt. Narrow but tall rack and had about 4 -5 inch brows. He will be a stud if he can get a couple more ice cream seasons on him. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I'll be headed back out to Ohio on Friday. Thank God for ground blinds. Forecast is showing rain Saturday thru Tuesday.
Good luck this weekend! Are you shooting doe and buck? Or are you buck only in Ohio Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Ohio raised there fees last year. I'm not going to pay $77 for a doe tag. Ohio either sex tags used to be $25. If I shoot a doe, it will be in PA. I will take one later in the season.
Windy and rainy afternoon turned into a pretty nice evening. Had a nice fat doe working her way towards me. Had plans on letting her come in for a shot. Then a small 5 and a decent nine came out on another trail so I let the doe walk to get a better look at the 9. By the time he came near enough, it got too dark to see my peep. I believe he is a buck i would take if given the chance. Be back in the morning. Rain knocked down a lot of the leaves. Could see out a little farther now. Good luck to everyone going out !!
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