Didn't do c5ap today! Got a wisdom tooth growing and pushing the other's. Last 4_5 days. Basically no sleep. Plumb wore out.. My dentist retired last year and finding a new one is gonna suck. My jaw/neck is swelled up. Started subsiding a bit this morning and feels much better now. It's gonna feel great to dive into a pizza in a bit and be able to eat like a pig like I usually do!
What's everyone take on clearing land during deer season? I have about 9 trees I want to take down as they prohibit me from making a shot further than 10 yards. And they take a lot of sunlight and block it out. The property I bought is majorly over grown. All of those nine trees are no more than 4 inches thick. I can use one of my sawzalls and have all 9 down in 15 minutes. Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
I’d take them out. I believe deer adapt pretty fast. A month until things start ramping up too. I’d do it. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Zip em down. I agree, they adapt fast and tend to gravitate to stuff like that. And if you can, lay them all the same way to create a funnel of sorts to push em close to your lane.
Opening weekend closed out for me. Saw a nice buck and a handful of does. Nothing writhing shooting distance accept for a small 2 year old buck. Won’t get back in for awhile. Gotta paint my mothers house next weekend. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Heading out for the last sit of the weekend. Been very very slow. All my focus is for tomorrow morning when the wind will finally be accommodating. This 20+ stuff sucks Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Well guys I’m trying lol didn’t see anything all weekend. Girlfriend was 100 yards from me and had deer all over her and missed a doe ha. Thinking I might get out of work a little early. Brought all my stuff to work so gonna head out for a few on my uncles 30 acre parcel. Feel sorry for anything antlerless hahah have an antlerless tag that can only be used on public land and it’s burning a hole in my pocket Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
So I saw tons of deer and 2 dogs running them three entire morning. No idea who's dogs they are as I know the local dogs but man it was obnoxious Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Glad you guys are getting some sits in, I’m not off work till Friday then Monday starts my first vacation. I’m so over due for vacation Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm heading to Buffalo County WI on Thursday to walk a property a buddy of mine closes on Nov 1 to help him pick stand locations. I'm also going to walk for the first time a 20 acre piece he just closed on last week. It has an awesome ridge from looking at onX that should be great during the rut. He shot an 11 pointer the day after he closed so I will have it to myself for a couple of days at the end of October.