Totally stoked you all just got permission on an old property I used to hunt growing up, it changed property hands but within the family. The owner isn’t a big hunter but his son is trying to learn so I offered to take him scouting and teach. So it will only be his son and I primarily hunting it. The father only gun hunts Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’ve been shooting all summer but I did tune my broadheads and do a couple climb and ready to be in the woods. Our season opens up the 24th but I most likely won’t be able to go until the 30th with work. The state land I hunt is on the way home from work so I’ve been driving up through there in the mornings taking notes where I’m seeing the deer. Haven’t actually stepped foot in the woods yet but from past experiences and where I’m seeing them white oaks are producing. Which is always good for me. Hunting big woods with rolling hills.. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I wish I could have been shooting all summer. But with the cost of gas it became a chore. And living in a townhouse about 7 blocks from the ocean there isn't much room to shoot. But that won't be an issue much anymore. since closing on my property Last Thursday.
Nice shootn Nick. Good for you Van F. It's just a great feeling to have a piece of ground to hunt where you know you can hunt and know there is no one there. I'm SO SPOILED rotten about that. I have well over 1000 acres of private scattered around that I can hunt all to myself with nothing more then a door knock. And these are Great pieces! But alas, I hunt my own small 32 acres 90% of the time even though my chances are better shooting a monster are better elsewhere. I truly feel sorry for fellas that have to $catch n grind to find a piece of good private ground.
Biggest buck your team is going to shoot all season! lol! What's with this "Five Guys"? There is currently 10 of you. Might be more.... You guys can't count either? Oh boy, might have to send a proxy to do the measuring and the arithmetic. Good luck fellas!