It all depends on the country/habitat I am picking them up in. Elk and Whitetails tend to shed in the big timber/brushy areas a lot here so they are hidden pretty well, but of course a 150 inch elk side is going to stick out pretty well compared to a 60 inch whitetail. Most of the mule deer sheds I find are in much more open country and minus the sage brush, they are pretty easy to spot, they get white real fast because of the open country and white sheds stick out like a sore thumb. Those bull sheds are often real dark and can be actually hard to pick out until you get fairly close. The toughest for me to spot are the dark brown tines down whitetail sheds, especially the small ones because they blend so well. Yeah that big elk shed I found is a hawg, man I spent 3 more hours trying to find the other side, I found foot tracks in there from a week ahead of me in the snow..I have a feeling someone else got the other side! my nice whitetail shed, 5 point went 72... lacking some I thought he would do a bit better.. HOPE hes still alive.. he might be a little hvier now..
man Troy, some great finds there! i to would love to find some elk sheds.... on my bucket list. keep it going. its pretty green here, snakes and ticks are out, its hot and still seeing bucks with racks.
Snow is just finally gone here, as you can see in my pix really no green up yet, so I am gonna be at it full force on my time off.. .haven't went to Montana either.. thats my big numbers spot!
Go get um Troy! Thanks for the insight on the elk sheds. I was thinking the same thing, with the elk antlers being much darker I kinda of figured they wouldn't be as easy to spot as one would think.
Havnt been out but made it by a good friends today. He scored the matched 10pt set and the extra beam buck. The 10py set scored 143 4?8 with a conservative 18" spread credit. The double beam shed broke the 80" mark @ 80 1/8 " !!!!! So happy!
Great sheds Dave !! Pottenger... I've got you by 4 sheds you slacker !!!! :p I am about done. Boss thinks we should go farming soon. Someone fried the WPA/KO CRP. I wonder how it will effect the deer movement this fall since it was a major summer/fall bedding area. Everything got burned. I ran both quarters a couple days after the fire and came up with one old shed. Talk about depressing that it got burned off. I had high hopes for that area this fall. There is still the one quarter of Crp to the SW ( A ) that didn't get fried in that area. Hopefully they bed there while the other 2 grow back up. I need one more shed to hit 30. Going to give it hell. Did pick up another good one. ( 67 " )... He is almost the spitting image to the 71 incher. Especially to the shed from him the year before I shot him. While the G1 and G3 from the 71's shed is more massive... everything else is close in shape, length and size. The shed to 71 one also scored 67". LOL He is trying to get a sticker on the G2 also like the other shed. Guessing the shed is off a 4 year old buck. I would say they are related. I found the shed in the same area that the 71 use to hang. With the mild winter I bet he will summer in that same area. Time will tell. With the mild winter he will probably blow up like the 71 incher did the year I shot him. Got one more small area to hit hoping to find the other side... tomorrow night after work. Tim
Nice work Captain, man that buck really resembles your big boy! Very nice, gonna be a definite one to target next fall if he's in one of your areas! Yeah yeah, well, I picked up three more, one little 3 pt and a dandy set.. I know you got the text! I am on your heals and gonna catch ya boss! Here is a pic of the set.. yesterday evening after work with my boy Tyson in tow... last fading minutes of the day... I am pretty sure this is a buck I called OLD YELLER... this set it about 4 years old .. 28 for me Captain!
Found one more shed guys. It's a small one, but I'll take it I'm probably done for the year unless I stumble across one turkey hunting. I'll still be checking the team thread though. Good luck finding some more bone this year!
Congrats on the shed Eric. I hit 30 sheds. Found sheds to two of the bucks I was hoping to. Bummed I couldn't find sheds to another buck I was hoping to. Was really hoping to see how long those brow tines were. Time to go farming so I think I am pretty much done unless I find one while planting. Guy can hope !! Next rainy day I try to get a group picture up. Tim
Nice Tim, Troy and Eric. Glad to see you guys post up more bone. Troy.... still planning to hit up your public land in Montana?
found # 29 this afternoon, matched up a set from a shed I found about a 2 months ago! Little guy, 2.5 year old. I was suppose to go to Montana this past weekend but my buddy once again backed out.. he's working in Nevada and its been hard for him to get up here, we are going to try and go but it may not be until MAY.. which sucks because my shed hunting is just getting good and the contest is over..
Nice Tim, gotta love finding um the easy way! I don't know how you farm either, if I was a farmer I would wreck into so much stuff because I would be destracted looking for sheds, rubs, trails, scraps, turkeys, etc......... It would be hard to say the least, haha.
oh, I finally found a dead head ... little buck, 3x4 and sincewe are counting other stuff.. I have found 5 birthday balloons...thus far this season! a dead bear with skull and two dead porcupines.
auto steer !! Most of our field tractors have auto steer in them. We still have one that doesn't have it ( too old ). I wish he would retire that rough riding piece of **** but it won't die !! Probably a good thing it doesn't have auto steer as you need to be holding on to something to survive the ride. A 1988 Case 9180 with triples. A little over 12,000 hours on it. I had the joy of digging with it today with a 60' chisel plow. I think I might have crushed my spleen after a day of bouncing and getting thrown around !!! Man that old discing was rough from last fall !!!!! Trying to keep up to our 500 Quad didn't help. Our newer Case 450 and 500 Quad ride so much nicer. Plus you have a lot more ponies under the hood for pulling. Very nice !! Tim