Did another fast check at a couple spots during dinner break for sheds. Nothing. Then took the long way home after work to do some scouting. The bucks are still carrying here. The deer aren't herded up like during a normal winter. They are really spread out. Going to be tough finding sheds this year. The deer got to be loving this mild winter so far. Got a very nice weekend coming up. Britney and I are going to trap muskrats starting Saturday morning since looking for sheds would be a waste of time. Might as well make a little money and have some fun while we wait for the bucks to drop... plus get out of the house and enjoy the nice weather. Britney is pretty pumped up to see what this trapping is all about. Should be a great time with her !! The goal is 150 - 200 rats by Sunday night. Tim
Hey guys, Indiana checking in here!!! Glad to be on board and I hope to contribute to the team effort this year. I've found a DH eight so far this year, but many of the bucks are still packing around here. I've got a bunch of trail cam photos of some real nice bucks that I hope to find their sheds this year. Glad to be part of the team and hopefully we can dominate this year!!!
Hope im not to late to check in here, My shed hunting season probably won't be starting for another month though.
We've had a week of temps in the mid 60's-70's here in NC this past week. Hoping to get out next weekend.
Good to see more guys checking in! I picked up 2 more yesterday. I bagged the Super Bowl and went shedding with my boy Tyson. 5 hours of tromping paid off and I am really proud of my little man, we covered a lot of steep ground and a lot of snow to trudge through in the norths to get to the souths! A man has to keep his prioritys straight.. heck with football! We found a dandy! My buddy found a dandy split brow too! My shed count is at 10, lots of snow still but we got into a good south!
^^Nice finds shed. You and your little man are on a roll for sure. Glad you got out and enjoyed yourself.
Alright gentlemen this is me offically checking in I didnt produce much last year but I will try to this year! Been kind of busy with work lately I was out saturady on my buddies farm and didnt find any although I am sure I will!
Congrats Troy !! Well after being sick for most of the weekend and still feeling like crud... I dreaded the thought about going to work today but glad I did. Found my first shed ( road shed even ) right by the farm I work at. Nothing like a shed to perk you up. Was a very fresh drop with the blood still dripping rom the pedicule. I blind man could have seen it from the road. At dinner I had to get out of the shop and get some fresh air so I decided to go check trail camera I have set up in the boss's yard. Corn field across the road from his yard and the deer hit his yard at night and browse around. Soon as I pulled in I could see a shed sticking up near the camera. Snapped a couple pictures of the shed and then checked the camera. Some how I managed to not turn it on the last time I checked it which was about 2 weeks ago. At least I had a good 5 pt shed to show for it ( 66 4/8 ). Tim
Congrats Troy and Tim! Those are some nice finds already. I went out for most of the day Sunday and all I got was a workout and a fresh tick bite. On a good note though, one of the big bucks I have on camera dropped a side this past week. I also got four smaller bucks with half racks. If this weeks camera check is good then I will go in to my better areas and look around.
Found the other side to the smaller 4 pt right in the main farm yard where I work. He just dropped it last night as I would have drove over it yesterday if it had been there. Got to love the easy finds !! I'll get a picture up tomorrow night. At dinner I put another camera up to keep tabs on things. Was hoping the other side to the bigger 5 pt was in the boss's yard but no luck. Tonight after work I took another long way home to do some scouting. Seen quite a few bucks packing. Going to be a while yet before we have to get serious about tromping. Deer were moving really good tonight with the colder temps. Hopefully we can start hitting it hard in a couple weeks. Tim
I think we were in the right spots... the older bucks just weren't moving until after dark and were bedded well before light. Nice temps, no snow, long night hours and lots off food really had them not needing to move very far when they did come out. Plus the number of deer just aren't there anymore. The good old days are gone for now. Tim
Hit a couple good spots this afternoon. Nothing. Did see a younger 4x4 ( 2.5 ) that was still packing.
I was able to get out today and scout/shed hunt. Looks like the property next to the one I have access to has recently started logging. It looks like the deer have avoided that area as all sign was old and I didnt find any hair in any of the bedding areas. We have a nice cold front coming thru this week, so maybee that'll get them dropping around here. May go scout some public tomorrow.
Went out to check a couple spots on a very nice Sunday afternoon. No sheds but I do believe we found Britney's first car... To get caught up on some past finds... Shed # 3 Matched up to the first shed I found this year... Shed #4 Got him on cam... Tim
looks like we have the MONSTER Team now... Glad to be part of the # 1 team from last year. Here are my 2 sheds from this season - First from December, its an old one but I saved it from more damage. 2nd from this weekend next to a big rub. Lets make it a great year. I will follow along and post up my contributions, but don't get on the personal computer much these days (4 month old at home and a ton of home projects). Best of luck to everyone! Dave