Congrats Lead that is an awesome day!!! Welcome to my world Dave haha! The key is you just have to find the right grass...haha I'm still out there but it is getting tougher by the day. Green up is on strong here and so are the ticks, poison ivy and I'm sure chiggers are just around the corner. Got permission on a 8000 acre ranch last week and spent 4 hours riding an atv over about 3 miles of burnt pasture out there with no sheds to show. But the head guy tells me he might let me in to their honey hole. Going to see if I can make that happen this weekend!!!
Sounds sweet Josh! there was no shortage of ticks and I did pick up a few chigger bites. Nothing crazy but it only takes a couple to drive ya crazy! Jeff found 14 sheds last week on the same property after they burned. Its just crazy out there. I am going later next year. Here are some pictures - Up to 17 for the year and its been a pick for sure - 5 from MD (might get back down there), 5 from Kansas and 7 from Illinois.
Add 1 more for me gents.. an oldie that may go 20" max. Seeing that we're close I'll try and see if I can get out a couple more times before the deadline. Time is tight.. but I'll try. Congrats to you guys who are really rolling this year. Vito.. great thread on your kids shed finds.. didn't reply there only cause I wasn't logged in.. but I saw it. Kudos to you!
Finally after covering many many miles of burnt pastures I got 2 more little ones today! Still hoping to hit one more new spot this weekend!
Those suckers stand out against the burn...... 28 miles in that grass. Can't phantom how many I walked by.
What's really crazy is after you cover miles and miles of burnt stuff and find nothing you realize just how much grass you could actually grid that would be a total waste of time...and that no matter how much effort you put in to an area if there ain't sheds there, there just ain't sheds there...doesn't matter how much you walk...know what I mean?
Josh Most of our county roads are blocked ( snow ) in the winter due to be minimum maintenance roads. You can't scout so you have to just go in and hit it blind. Our deer will move out of areas and herd up in other others during the winter. You do spend a lot of time... wasting you time checking spots... just incase the deer wintered there. Yesterday was such a case. We hit a big area in the morning and found nothing. The we moved to another area and found 13 sheds before getting rained out big time. I actually had higher hopes on the morning spot then I did on the afternoon spot. Was quite bummed to tell you the truth when the one area didn't pan out. Sure glad the second area made up for it !! You just plan on hitting it all and hope for the best. Tim
Good job Team 4 we gave it a heckofa run! Good to meet ya all and good luck on the upcoming seasons! Keep in touch! Josh