Here are the pics of the two dead heads and my first shed i found. It is by far nothing special but im happy with it. Lets go team 4
Very limited time this weekend, but five minutes in found this good one that would have been nice to find the year it fell.. #21
Yesterdays finds...walked from 8 to 4 on 3 different spots and only 2 pocket antlers but still fun to have all day out... Second beam starting
Got my boy out this morning and a few minutes into the second place we spotted one. Nice 5 side all broken up. Wish I could have got a pic of him running to grab it but he was way too quick!!
Thanks Tim! I think hiking almost every day in Feb. empty handed is paying off now! Can't wait to see you guys rockin again when you finally get rid of your snow.
Went on a walk at lunch today very cool find. I found this 2 1/2 year old four point righty. The tip of the main beam is broken off, which we all allways say is from fighting with another buck, but we never know for sure. Well on this one we can say it was from a fight, in this picture you can see the other deers hair crammed into the crack where it broke! So more than likely the tip of the main bean was lodged into the other deer. I thought it might be cool to post. #22
"The tip of the main beam is broken off, which we all allways say is from fighting with another buck, but we never know for sure. Well on this one we can say it was from a fight, in this picture you can see the other deers hair crammed into the crack where it broke! So more than likely the tip of the main bean was lodged into the other deer." Not to kill your thunder cause you may be right, however its much more likely that it broke of either fighting or rubbing, and the hair is actually his own from scratching himself. I dont think tines will break off very often following a puncture wound, not that its impossible, just more likely that its his own hair.
It's a close race now gents.. we've come out of no where. Added 1 more for me that I found this past weekend. What stinks is I usually find about 20-25 a year.. but with the new kiddo haven't done much sheddin'. Sorry dudes.. I'll try and get out a bit more soon! Congrats to all of you kickin' my arse so far.
Your not stealin any thunder, I dont want any thunder bud. Its a beam and not a tine. I have seen pics of bucks killed that had other bucks whole beams stuck in their eyes. I was just sharing what I found dont want any thunder, could still have been from anything, we'll never know I guess.
#23 Last step of a short walk today, this old shed came into veiw. Literally I was stepping back onto a trail that was 20 yards from my truck, I looked to my right and seen the chewed end of the g2. This one has been out there a while and I walked by it before. Also I seen a small 4 pointer still holding both sides. Good luck guys the rest of the weekend.
Hey up...... you did pick up the match that's in the picture, right! : ) Edit... I see that its actually 2 pictures. On this smart. Phone it looked like one picture with 2 #&3$#
Well finally broke a week long dry spell. Lots of walking this past week. Not as big as it looked in the binos from 200 yards out but I'll take it. Future freak
Guys, I picked up 7 sheds while in illinois last week. Was a bit slower than last year when I found 13 in 2.5 days. Tough walking on new parts of the public land and did manage to pick up 2 matched sets. Will get pictures up soon. Nice job racking em up guys. Dave
# 6 (first of Illinios trip) found in a bottom following a rub line. Year old but in ok shape. # 7 is a broken off antler. Thought it was a shed till I pulled it out of the leaves. Was in good shape and from this fall. # 8 another year old shed. On a trail heading from a grassy internal hill towards a creek. Some large tracks I cut - neat picture heading towards where I picked up the first matched set of the trip. The matched set (# 9 & 10). Was on a small ridge inbetween ridges. Was nearly at the point that drops steaply down to a creek bottom. Good excape spot. Saw the antler on the left first and then looked up to see the other waiting there for me. Dead 1.5 year that was on this point. Pretty little spot looking over the lake. Left him there and kept going. Narly Mathced set that was a year old but really massive (# 11 & 12). Was also on a small ridge point inbetween 2 larger ridges. Really awesome finding matched sets close together. final collection from the trip - Dave