You guys are on fire! Great set you got there, Josh. What are you thinking for age on Sidewinder? He's got great character - gonna be a stud next year, bro. You midwest guys are spoiled!
Josh Good stuff Man! I'm takin a half day today and found a new spot with awesome potental. Hope to put up some more today, keep it up.
Thanks guys! Quik - pretty sure that set is from his 3.5 year. I have his right side from last year also and it just looks like a nice 2.5 year old with lots of potential. Guess I was right because just in that side he put on 16" from last year!!! So yeah at 4.5 this year if he continues adding junk and mass he is going to be a freak! We guessed him at 145-150 in pics last year but knew he was young so we were going to probably pass him. He was actually more like 160 gross with all of the trash based on the sheds. Found out yesterday a friend that hunts the neighbors actually shot this buck during bow season. Hit him high in that backstrap area. He had a bloody arrow and a good trail at first but it ran out quick. They said he disappeared for about a week and then showed up on their cams again through the rest of season.
Another interesting story is on the buck we call Gutter. Found his set last year laying right next to each other by a farm I hunt 3 miles from where I found the broke side yesterday. We knew he was going to be a stud last year too and we had cameras all over the place looking for him...turns out he was probably living a couple miles away.
Well walked a new peice today for a couple of hours. I was on this point in a tidal swamp and I could have looked in any dirrection and seen half a dozen thigh size rubs, big beds, bib tracks and big droppings, I thought I would have gotten a big one today. But I was able to put up a couple of 1 1/2 year olds. #14 #15
Another lunch time set!! Awesome mass on this guy. Was on a new private piece that looks real sheddy but I haven't found any there yet and decided to cross over to some public because I could see some bean fields on it over the hill. Walked a bunch of beans and couldn't believe I didn't find any. On the way back I was going around the base of this high grass peninsula when I thought man if I was a deer I'd be laying up there in the sun watching over this whole valley...hunch turned out right as there was probably 40 beds up on this bluff. Found the first side in a bed and it is super heavy so I knew the other one should be there. A few circles later and bam! 4th set for the year I am pumped!
Awesome Josh! all my sheds have came off of public. Huntin public is hard but there are some sheds to be found once the deer get less pressure. Great stuff man.
Quick walk in a new peice this morning.. First find not good. #16 #17 #18, 19 And #20 is the small right 4 in todays put up picture. It was my first road find! Went for a ride with my wife youngest son, and god daughter, and look what I spoted on a green strip. Road up to farm and got permission from farmer (who I know) and there is #20 on the year
Man we need to get Duke to update the numbers....we have got to be getting close to the top! Congrats guys.
congrats again josh, I wish I could get out, but with the wife on bedrest at home, it's a no go for me. keep finding them!
Just an old one today. Really wish I would have found this one last year as it would have been pushing 80". Probably walked within 20 yards of this spot last year in this big thicket. I was just crossing it today as a short cut back to the truck. Lots of good stuff chewed off but I'll take it!
Nice find man. My 14 year old is walking with his buddy over in our pine barrens today. My 3 year old and I will be walking around here. I hope everyone on the team gets a chance to get out today. You guys that are snowed in still I know your pain man I grew up in the U.P. of Michigan and trust me I know about snow!
Great job so far guys! Still too much snow here for me to even make an attempt. Its absolutely killin me not bein able to be out there!
Finally got out there and found 2 old deadheads and one shed guys. It was my first ever shed find.I will get pictures up later. Add another for team 4
Congrats on your first shed !! Looking forward to seeing the pictures !! Tim ps Congrats Josh and UPbowhunter !! You two are on a roll. Finding some good sheds too !!