I’m headed back to the public I’ve been hitting. It’s a rough go. Pretty sure everything is nocturnal. I may try some stalking if I can find some deer bedded.
Well my season came to a close. Sorry boys I didn't add a buck to the score. As previously mentioned this has been one of my worst seasons for deer activity. Last year's winter being crazy. And this year snow starting so early. It's caused a mess I assume. I am going to do my part this winter and get rid of as many coyotes as possible on this property. Help the deer every little bit I can. I normally am hunting certain sized deer and letting smaller guys walk. This year that wasn't even the case. I hardly saw any damn deer while hunting up here in Canada. My season is 92 days. I hunted 26 of them. Pretty average season for me. Merry Christmas boys and happy new year.
Almost got it done tonight. If I would have actually made a decision and got in a tree about 10 min sooner I would have at least had a 30 yd shot at a nice buck. 5 or 6 of them total came out and busted me pulling my gear up to my stand. Oh well they won again lol
Took the boy out New Year’s Day see a spike and a doe. He was really hard to convince me to shoot the spike it was funny. Not sure if I will get anymore Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Well guys. It’s been a good season. I know this page kinda lost its pulse which is normal but I hope you all had fun and wish you all the best. Here’s to many more days in the woods!
Sorry I’m just getting my buck posted!!! Started a new job and time has been very limited!!! I wasn’t able to get back out and tag a doe unfortunately Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Well the season wraps up tomorrow. It has been a fun season following you guys thru it. It has been my best season ever even though I didn’t shoot a big one but is doesn’t matter. The total for this year is 3 does 1 buck that my son was with me and 1 coyote. I would take all you one the same team next year it was fun. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Sorry I went rogue for a while. It was a great season hunting & talking with you all. Wish you all luck in the future and a happy new year.
Sorry I didn't get my buck posted to the scoreboard, my taxidermist was suppose to score it for me and send me the measurements and the total score but he never did. He was busy when i dropped it off tho, he always busy so next time I'll score it myself. It was a good being on the team with you guys, hopefully this season is better than last season! Happy New Year and good luck in the future!
You guys getting excited for the 2020 season? I don't have any great bucks on camera yet, but I am going to check my cameras on my property this week. I haven't checked them in a month because the property is two hours away. I hope there are at least a couple good ones running around.
I’m excited for the next season once the current on is done, I’m damn ready. Got some super bucks to chase close to home, good luck this season!