I didn't deer hunt this weekend because it was the duck hunting opener here in southern Michigan and I have been going with my Dad for the last 20+ years. We nearly shot our limit of wood ducks and had a great time. I took a walk to check cameras today and saw 6 fresh scrapes! On one of my cameras, I had a spike pushing a doe around. It's the most wonderful time of the year! I hope to get out after work tomorrow! Good luck out there and be safe!
Got it done tonight nice nature doe I got the shot on video also but don’t know how to post that is the best pics I can take by myself Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Alright boys. 3 does down so far. It's amazing how high your team score gets when everyone shoots a doe. If we all shoot a doe and even a 100" buck. That's a possible winning team. I think on average 1300-1400 points wins it. So get those does down. I'll be adding my scores late October early November.
Tried again Friday night. 0. Tried again with my son on Saturday... let’s just say the hunt was “Cut” short. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Ouch! Learning to sharpen that knife will do that to ya. I’ve got a few old scars of my own from when I was about his age
Looks like he was cutting towards him. No matter how many times you tell them they won’t listen. Until it happens Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I learnt my lesson with knives the hard way, live and learn. Glad he’s ok ! Well boys I got a doe tonight, I’ll take pics when I get home !