That’s a nice buck, way better than anything I’ve seen on mine. Sent from my iPad using Forums
Is it a big 6pt. I tried zooming in I don’t notice any brow tines Sent from my iPad using Forums
NY opens Tuesday forecast for now is showers and mid 70. I’ll be in it. It’s been to long. Sent from my iPad using Forums
Opening day here is a Monday and supposed to be in the 90’s. Boo. The following weekend (Oct 5th-6th) we are getting a big cold front and high Friday says 68. Yay. Then I get told we need to work on a project that weekend at work. Probably two 12 hr days. Booooooo!
Went and checked 4 cameras today, 2 were a fail. One the raccoons pulled down after being up 2 days. One camera said usb error and didn’t take any pics. Other 2 had some decent pics. Sent from my iPad using Forums
Supposed to have storms opening day where I hunt, fingers crossed Sent from my SM-G970U1 using Tapatalk
Hope the weather cooperates for you all. I’ll be out Friday for a doe. Have a cold front coming through Thursday night into Friday, just looking for some jerky meat!
Saturday I'll be back in the stand. Gonna be in the northwoods in a spot with lots of swamp. The tree I'll be in is a part of more a staging area though on the edge of the swamp. There are a few nice bucks in this area and I'm not sure what they do here so I'm gonna put in a sit. Our trail cameras are only telling us a tiny piece of the puzzle. Wind will also be good for this sit.
Michigan's bow season starts on Tuesday! I haven't seen any good bucks on my home property, but I am hoping there is one out there!
I could not see them as well. Even modified the pick to darken it. This guy would be crazy big if he made it one more year. Hopefully, I get a shot and end that possibility!
48 degrees for low next Friday night / Saturday morn. And I have to work that weekend! . I’ll still be able to hunt the evenings for a couple hrs though
Any tips for convincing my wife to let me go on an overnight trip to hunt opening weekend?!? She doesn't understand that there is a real nice 8 point that wants me to be there.
Spent about 5 hours on stand today for opening morning. Had a small herd of 5 does about 30 yards away but never gave me a shot opportunity. More depressing though is that out of 500 pics on my camera there was only one doe. Time to move my setup I think. Sent from my SM-G970U1 using Tapatalk